Women's America : refocusing the past


Women's America : refocusing the past

edited by Linda K. Kerber, Jane Sherron De Hart

Oxford University Press, 2000

5th ed

  • : pbk., alk. paper
  • :cloth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Includes bibliographical references and index



:cloth ISBN 9780195121803


This is the most widely used anthology of American women's history. Organized chronologically, the book is divided into four sections which cover the span of women's experiences in the US from colonial times to the present. Each section begins with a short introduction by the editors which sums up the particular historicla era being covered and the scope of the documents which follow. The editors have carefully selected writings covering a range of aspects on the interaction of race, class, ethnicity, and gender in women's lives. Each of the roughly 90 essays and legal documents presented is prefaced with a brief headnote describing the piece's significance and historical context. This edition has been extensively revised and contains 34 new documents including several orignial essays written especially for this book. More material has been added about "anti feminist" women and about the impact of ethnicity in American culture. In addition, the bibliographic essay has been entirely rewritten to take into account the growing body of literature in the field.


  • Acknowledgements. Introduction: Gender and the New Women's History. I. Traditional America, 1600-1800. Introduction. Sara Evans: The First American Woman. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich: The Ways of Her Household. Document: The Law of Domestic Relations
  • Marriage, Divorce, Power. Carol Berkin: African American Women in Colonial Society. Documents: According to the condition of the mother...
  • For the prevention of that abominable mixture. Mary Beth Norton: Gender Distinctions in Seventeenth Century America. Document: The Trial of Anne Hutchinson. Carol F. Karlsen: The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: The Economic Basis of Witchcraft. Cornelia Hughes Dayton: Taking the Trade: Abortion and Gender Relations in an Eighteenth-Century New England Village. Documents -- Supporting the Revolution: The Sentiments of an American Woman
  • The bullets would not cheat the Gallows (Sarah Osborn)
  • I have Dona s much to Carrey on the Warr as maney... (Rachel Wells). Linda K. Kerber: The Repulican Mother and the Woman Citizen: Contradictions and Choices in Revolutionary America. II. The Many Frontiers of Industrializing America, 1800-1880. Introduction. Documents -- The Testimony of Slave Women: I am quite heartsick... (Maria Perkins)
  • Look for some others to 'plenish de earth (Rose). Sharon Block: Sexual Coercion in the Early Republic. Jeanne Boydston: The Pastorzlization of Housework. Malcolm Rohrbough: Women in the California Gold Rush. Document -- Working Conditions in Early Factories: She complained of the Hours for labor being too many.... Kathryn Kish Sklar: Transforming the Teaching Profession. Suellen Hoy: Agatha O'Brien and the Sisters of Mercy: A Community of Nuns in Early Chicago. Carroll Smith-Rosenberg: The Female World of Love and Ritual: Relations Between Women in Nineteenth-Centu
  • ry America. James C. Mohr: Abortion in America. Documents: The Connection between Religious Faith, Abolition and Women's Rights (Angelina and Sarah Grimke)
  • What I have suffered, I cannot tell you (Keziah Kendall). Gerda Lerner: The Meanings of Seneca Falls, 1848-1998. Nell Irvin Painter: Sojourner Truth's Defense.... Document -- Declaration of Sentiments: Married Women's Property Acts. Drew Gilpin Faust: Enemies in Our Household: Confederate Women and Slavery. Documents -- Counterfeit Freedom: Young women particularly flock... (A.S. Hitchcock)
  • I was more dead than alive (Roda Ann Childs). Tera W. Hunter: Reconstruction and the Meanings of Freedom. Documents: Reconstruction Amendments: Bradwell v. Illinois (1873)
  • Comstock Law (1873)
  • Minor v. Happersett (1875). Barbara Sicherman: Readings Little Women. Document -- The Women's Centennial Agenda: Guaranteed to us and our daughters forever (Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony). III. The Many Frontiers of Industrializing America, 1880-1920. Introduction. Document -- Working for Racial Justice: Nobody...believes the thread bare lie (Ida B. Wells). Coll-Peter Thrush & Robert H. Keller, Jr.: The Life and Murder Trial of Xwelas, A S'Kallan Woman. Peggy Pascoe: Ophelia Paquet, A Tillamook Indian Wife: Miscegenation Laws and the Privledges of Property. Glenda Gilmore: Forging Interracial Links in the Jim Crow South. Annalise Orleck: From the Russian Pale to Labor Organizing in New York City. Document -- Claiming an Education: What Right! Have you to bar my children? (Mary Tape). Kathryn Kish Sklar: Florence Kelly and Women's Activism in the Progressive Era. Document: Muller v. Oregon (1908). Ellen DuBois: Harriet Stanton Blatch and the Winning of Woman Suffrage. Documents: Mackenzie v. Hare (1915)
  • Equal Suffrage Amendment (1920)
  • Adkins v. Children's Hospital (1923). Linda Gordon: Black and White Visions of Welfare: Women's Welfare Activism, 1890-1945. Document -- Controlling Reproduction: I resolved that women should have knowledge of contraception... (Margaret Sanger). Joan Jacobs Brumberg: Fasting Girls: The Emerging Idea of Slenderness in American Culture. IV. Modern America, 1920-2000. Introduction. Nancy F. Cott: Equal Rights and Economic Roles: The Conflict over the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1920s. Jackquelyn Dowd Hall: Disorderly Women: Gender and Labor Militancy in the Appalachian South. Blanche Wiesen Cook: Eleanor Roosevelt as Reformer, Feminist, and Political Boss. Jacqueline Jones: Harder Times: The Great Depression. Judy Yung: Coping with the Great Depression in San Francisco's Chinatown. Alice Kessler-Harris: Providers: Gender Ideology in the 1930s. Beth Bailey and David Farber: Prostitutes on Strike: The Women of Hotel Street During World War II. Valerie Matsumoto: Japanese-American Women During World War II. Sara Evans: Rosie the Ribeter: Women and Work in Wartime. Laura McEnaney: Atomic Age Motherhood: Materialism and Militarism. Estelle Freedman: Miriam Van Waters and the Burning of Letters. Susan K. Cahn: 'Mannishness,' Lesbianism and Homophobia in U.S. Sports. Amy Swerdlow: Ladies Day at the Capitol: Women Strike for Peace Versus HUAC. Daniel Horowitz: Betty Friedan and the Oriigins of Feminism in Cold War America. Catherine Rymph: Neither Neutral nor Neutralized: Phyllis Schafly's Battle Against Sexism. Documents -- Making the Personal Political: Fighting Justice: I had entered law school preoccupied with the racial struggle...but I graduated an unabashed feminist as well (Pauli Murray
  • Hoyt v. Florida (1961)
  • Taylor v. Louisiana (1975)
  • Civil Rights Act, Title VII (1964). Felicia Kornbluh: Social Protest Among Women Welfare Recipients After World War II. Documents -- Making the Personal Political: Becoming a Feminist: The first woman farmworker organizer out in the fields (Jessie Lopez de la Cruz)
  • I see men who consider themselves dedicated revolutionaries, yet exploit their wives and girl friends shamefully without ever noticing a contradiction (Ellen Willis)
  • It has taken...a long time...to realize and speak out about the double oppression of Mexican-American women (Jennie V. Chavez)
  • Equal Rights Amendment (1972)
  • Title IX, Educational Amendments (1972)
  • Frontiero v. Richardson (1973)
  • Roe v. Wade (1973)
  • Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992). Faye D. Ginsburg: Women Divided: Abortion and What it Means to Be Female. Documents -- Equality and Military Service: We were the first American women sent to live and work in the midst of guerrilla warfare
  • Rostker v. Goldberg (1981). Linda Bird Francke: Women in the Gulf War. Document -- Reliving the Immigrant Experience: After working so hard under such horrendous working conditions, we should at least get our pay (Fu Lee). Documents -- Feminist Name New Harms: Meritor Savings Bank v. Mechelle Vinson (1986)
  • Violence Against Women Act (1994). Conclusion: Revisiting the New Feminism: The Dynamics of Social Change. Resources: (Essential Statistics
  • Further Readings
  • Reference Works
  • Films). Index

: pbk., alk. paper ISBN 9780195121810


This is the most widely used anthology of American women's history. Organized chronologically, the book is divided into four sections which cover the span of women's experiences in the US from colonial times to the present. Each section begins with a short introduction by the editors which sums up the particular historicla era being covered and the scope of the documents which follow. The editors have carefully selected writings covering a range of aspects on the interaction of race, class, ethnicity, and gender in women's lives. Each of the roughly 90 essays and legal documents presented is prefaced with a brief headnote describing the piece's significance and historical context. This edition has been extensively revised and contains 34 new documents including several orignial essays written especially for this book. More material has been added about "anti feminist" women and about the impact of ethnicity in American culture. In addition, the bibliographic essay has been entirely rewritten to take into account the growing body of literature in the field.


  • Acknowledgements. Introduction: Gender and the New Women's History. I. Traditional America, 1600-1800. Introduction. Sara Evans: The First American Woman. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich: The Ways of Her Household. Document: The Law of Domestic Relations
  • Marriage, Divorce, Power. Carol Berkin: African American Women in Colonial Society. Documents: According to the condition of the mother...
  • For the prevention of that abominable mixture. Mary Beth Norton: Gender Distinctions in Seventeenth Century America. Document: The Trial of Anne Hutchinson. Carol F. Karlsen: The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: The Economic Basis of Witchcraft. Cornelia Hughes Dayton: Taking the Trade: Abortion and Gender Relations in an Eighteenth-Century New England Village. Documents -- Supporting the Revolution: The Sentiments of an American Woman
  • The bullets would not cheat the Gallows (Sarah Osborn)
  • I have Dona s much to Carrey on the Warr as maney... (Rachel Wells). Linda K. Kerber: The Repulican Mother and the Woman Citizen: Contradictions and Choices in Revolutionary America. II. The Many Frontiers of Industrializing America, 1800-1880. Introduction. Documents -- The Testimony of Slave Women: I am quite heartsick... (Maria Perkins)
  • Look for some others to 'plensih de earth (Rose). Sharon Block: Sexual Coercion in the Early Republic. Jeanne Boydston: The Pastorzlization of Housework. Malcolm Rohrbough: Women in the California Gold Rush. Document -- Working Conditions in Early Factories: She complained of the Hours for labor being too many.... Kathryn Kish Sklar: Transforming the Teaching Profession. Suellen Hoy: Agatha O'Brien and the Sisters of Mercy: A Community of Nuns in Early Chicago. Carroll Smith-Rosenberg: The Female World of Love and Ritual: Relations Between Women in Nineteenth-Centu
  • ry America. James C. Mohr: Abortion in America. Documents: The Connection between Religious Faith, Abolition and Women's Rights (Angelina and Sarah Grimke)
  • What I have suffered, I cannot tell you (Keziah Kendall). Gerda Lerner: The Meanings of Seneca Falls, 1848-1998. Nell Irvin Painter: Sojourner Truth's Defense.... Document -- Declaration of Sentiments: Married Women's Property Acts. Drew Gilpin Faust: Enemies in Our Household: Confederate Women and Slavery. Documents -- Counterfeit Freedom: Young women particularly flock... (A.S. Hitchcock)
  • I was more dead than alive (Roda Ann Childs). Tera W. Hunter: Reconstruction and the Meanings of Freedom. Documents: Reconstruction Amendments: Bradwell v. Illinois (1873)
  • Comstock Law (1873)
  • Minor v. Happersett (1875). Barbara Sicherman: Readings Little Women. Document -- The Women's Centennial Agenda: Guaranteed to us and our daughters forever (Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony). III. The Many Frontiers of Industrializing America, 1880-1920. Introduction. Document -- Working for Racial Justice: Nobody...believes the thread bare lie (Ida B. Wells). Coll-Peter Thrush & Robert H. Keller, Jr.: The Life and Murder Trial of Xwelas, A S'Kallan Woman. Peggy Pascoe: Ophelia Paquet, A Tillamook Indian Wife: Miscegenation Laws and the Privledges of Property. Glenda Gilmore: Forging Interracial Links in the Jim Crow South. Annalise Orleck: From the Russian Pale to Labor Organizing in New York City. Document -- Claiming an Education: What Right! Have you to bar my children? (Mary Tape). Kathryn Kish Sklar: Florence Kelly and Women's Activism in the Progressive Era. Document: Muller v. Oregon (1908). Ellen DuBois: Harriet Stanton Blatch and the Winning of Woman Suffrage. Documents: Mackenzie v. Hare (1915)
  • Equal Suffrage Amendment (1920)
  • Adkins v. Children's Hospital (1923). Linda Gordon: Black and White Visions of Welfare: Women's Welfare Activism, 1890-1945. Document -- Controlling Reproduction: I resolved that women should have knowledge of contraception... (Margaret Sanger). Joan Jacobs Brumberg: Fasting Girls: The Emerging Idea of Slenderness in American Culture. IV. Modern America, 1920-2000. Introduction. Nancy F. Cott: Equal Rights and Economic Roles: The Conflict over the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1920s. Jackquelyn Dowd Hall: Disorderly Women: Gender and Labor Militancy in the Appalachian South. Blanche Wiesen Cook: Eleanor Roosevelt as Reformer, Feminist, and Political Boss. Jacqueline Jones: Harder Times: The Great Depression. Judy Yung: Coping with the Great Depression in San Francisco's Chinatown. Alice Kessler-Harris: Providers: Gender Ideology in the 1930s. Beth Bailey and David Farber: Prostitutes on Strike: The Women of Hotel Street During World War II. Valerie Matsumoto: Japanese-American Women During World War II. Sara Evans: Rosie the Ribeter: Women and Work in Wartime. Laura McEnaney: Atomic Age Motherhood: Materialism and Militarism. Estelle Freedman: Miriam Van Waters and the Burning of Letters. Susan K. Cahn: 'Mannishness,' Lesbianism and Homophobia in U.S. Sports. Amy Swerdlow: Ladies Day at the Capitol: Women Strike for Peace Versus HUAC. Daniel Horowitz: Betty Friedan and the Oriigins of Feminism in Cold War America. Catherine Rymph: Neither Neutral nor Neutralized: Phyllis Schafly's Battle Against Sexism. Documents -- Making the Personal Political: Fighting Justice: I had entered law school preoccupied with the racial struggle...but I graduated an unabashed feminist as well (Pauli Murray
  • Hoyt v. Florida (1961)
  • Taylor v. Louisiana (1975)
  • Civil Rights Act, Title VII (1964). Felicia Kornbluh: Social Protest Among Women Welfare Recipients After World War II. Documents -- Making the Personal Political: Becoming a Feminist: The first woman farmworker organizer out in the fields (Jessie Lopez de la Cruz)
  • I see men who consider themselves dedicated revolutionaries, yet exploit their wives and girl friends shamefully without ever noticing a contradiction (Ellen Willis)
  • It has taken...a long time...to realize and speak out about the double oppression of Mexican-American women (Jennie V. Chavez)
  • Equal Rights Amendment (1972)
  • Title IX, Educational Amendments (1972)
  • Frontiero v. Richardson (1973)
  • Roe v. Wade (1973)
  • Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992). Faye D. Ginsburg: Women Divided: Abortion and What it Means to Be Female. Documents -- Equality and Military Service: We were the first American women sent to live and work in the midst of guerrilla warfare
  • Rostker v. Goldberg (1981). Linda Bird Francke: Women in the Gulf War. Document -- Reliving the Immigrant Experience: After working so hard under such horrendous working conditions, we should at least get our pay (Fu Lee). Documents -- Feminist Name New Harms: Meritor Savings Bank v. Mechelle Vinson (1986)
  • Violence Against Women Act (1994). Conclusion: Revisiting the New Feminism: The Dynamics of Social Change. Resources: (Essential Statistics
  • Further Readings
  • Reference Works
  • Films). Index

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