Hanoverian Britain and empire : essays in memory of Philip Lawson


    • Taylor, Stephen
    • Connors, Richard
    • Jones, Clyve
    • Lawson, Philip


Hanoverian Britain and empire : essays in memory of Philip Lawson

edited by Stephen Taylor, Richard Connors, and Clyve Jones

Boydell Press, 1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references and index

"Philip Lawson: a bibliography": p. [xxii]-xxiv



The domestic and colonial history of Britain in the period between the Hanoverian succession and the early nineteenth century is the subject of the new essays collected in this volume. Beginning with two historiographical surveys,the contributions go on to illuminate many of the issues which are at the forefront of historical research and controversy: the aristocracy; the British problem; the political role of women; British identity; and the problems ofempire in both India and America. Contributors: KEITH WRIGHTSON, FRANK O'GORMAN, DAVID HAYTON, DAVID MILOBAR, STEPHEN TAYLOR, CLYVE JONES, IAN K. STEELE, HUW BOWEN, JOHN BULLION, KARL SCHWEIZER, ELAINE CHALUS, LINDA KERR, RICHARD CONNORS, PETER D.G. THOMAS, P.J. MARSHALL, ROBYN CLOSE,DAVID CANNADINE


- Peter D G Thomas `The Family in Early Modern England: Continuity and Change'. - Keith E Wrightson `Eighteenth-Century Britain as an 'Ancien Regime''. - Frank O'Gorman `British Whig Ministers and the Irish Question, 1714-1725'. - Paul M. Hunneyball `Aboriginal Peoples and the British Press, 1720-1763'. - David Milobar `Queen Caroline and the Church of England'. - `The House of Lords and the Fall of Walpole'. - `Surrendering Rites: Prisoners on Colonial North American Frontiers'. - Ian K. Steele `Tea, Tribute and the East India Company, c.1750-1775'. - Huw V Bowen ``George, Be a King': The Relationship between Princess Augusta and George III'. - John Bullion `Israel Mauduit: Pamphleteering and Foreign Policy in the Age of the Elder Pitt'. - Karl Schweizer ``My Minerva at my Elbow': The Political Roles of Women in Eighteenth-Century England'. - Elaine Chalus `Creation of Empire: James Murray in Quebec'. - Linda Kerr `Opium and Imperial Expansion: The East India Company in Eighteenth-Century Asia'. - Richard Connors ``Bill of Rights Morris': A Welsh Wilkite Radical and Rogue - Robert Morris (1743-1793)'. - P D G Thomas `Burke and Empire'. - P.J. Marshall `Toleration and its Limits in Late Hanoverian Britain: Cape Colony, 1795-1828'. - R.E. Close `A Working Peer Making Aristocracy Work: The Third Lord Calthorpe'. - David Cannadine

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