At play in the fields of consciousness : essays in honor of Jerome L. Singer


At play in the fields of consciousness : essays in honor of Jerome L. Singer

edited by Jefferson A. Singer, Peter Salovey

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



This book provides a state-of-the-art look at the study of consciousness, which is in the midst of a great renaissance. While honoring Jerome Singer's impressive career, it demonstrates the broad and integrative influence the study of consciousness has across a variety of subdisciplines of psychology--experimental, personality, developmental, social, and clinical. The contributors are pioneers in the study of consciousness and contemporary researchers. This volume is a landmark statement about psychology's understanding of the role of consciousness in affective and cognitive processes, the development of imagination in children, and its application to the practice of psychotherapy.


Contents: Preface. Part I: Consciousness and Representation.J.S. Antrobus, Toward a Neurocognitive Processing Model of Imaginal Thought. E. Klinger, Thought Flow: Properties and Mechanisms Underlying Shifts in Content. S. Epstein, The Interpretation of Dreams From the Perspective of Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory. C.E. Izard, B.P. Ackerman, D. Schultz, Independent Emotions and Consciousness: Self-Consciousness and Dependent Emotions. N.S. Glassman, S.M. Andersen, Streams of Thought About the Self and Significant Others: Transference as the Construction of Interpersonal Meaning. Part II: Cognition and Personality.J.D. Mayer, A Framework for the Study of Individual Differences in Personality Formations. S. Kreitler, Consciousness and Meaning. S. Feshbach, Consciousness Makes a Difference. L.A. Pervin, Cognitive and Affective, Empirical and Clinical Aspects of Problems of Volition. Part III: Consciousness and Personality in Context.G.A. Bonanno, H.I. Siddique, Emotional Dissociation, Self-Deception, and Psychotherapy. M. Horowitz, Modes of Conscious Representation and Their Exploration Through Psychotherapy. D. Morrison, Jack Kerouac: The Pulse of Memory. D.G. Singer, Imaginative Play and Television: Factors in a Child's Development.

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