Pictorial narrative in ancient Greek art
Pictorial narrative in ancient Greek art
(Cambridge studies in classical art and iconography)
Cambridge University Press, 1999
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全9件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-234) and index
Provides a comprehensive framework for the development of pictorial narrative in ancient art, a topic that has been of great scholarly interest in recent years. Through the application of literary theory about narrative, particularly semiotics and structural analysis; the examination of ancient descriptions of real and poetic works of art; and a contextual examination of a wide range of works, Mark Stansbury-O'Donnell identifies the multiple levels at which narration operates, from the most basic signs to the object of narration for the ancient viewer. A synthesis of theory and application, this study also defines and standardises a vocabulary for pictorial narrative.
- 1. An approach to pictorial narrative
- 2. The narrative micro-structure
- 3. The narrative macro-structure
- 4. Narrative extension
- 5. The narrative object
- 6. Conclusion.
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