The glaucomas : concepts and fundamentals
The glaucomas : concepts and fundamentals
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2000
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
This volume provides a thorough understanding of the basic aspects and clinical types of the glaucomas and offers detailed guidelines on patient management. The book enables clinicians to distinguish among the diverse entities and syndromes that comprise glaucoma and determine the most appropriate course of treatment for the individual patient. Coverage begins with a definition and classification of the glaucomas. The second section discusses anatomical and physiological considerations and describes various examination techniques and diagnostic tests. A major portion of the book examines each of the clinical entities of glaucoma systematically, including definition, epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiological mechanisms, clinical findings, diagnostic tests, differential diagnosis, and management. The final section details the indications, techniques, and complications of current therapies, including drugs, laser therapy, and surgical procedures. Each chapter has been reviewed in depth by one or more leading glaucoma specialists to ensure accuracy and currency. More than 150 illustrations complement the text
- Section 1 What is glaucoma? definition and classification of glaucomas. Section 2 Anatomical and physiological considerations and diagnostic elements: aqueous humour dynamics
- intraocular pressure and tonometry
- gonioscopy - visualization of the anterior chamber angle
- the optic nerve head in glaucoma
- retinal nerve fibber layer evaluation in glaucoma
- pathogenesis of glaucomatous optic nerve damage
- automated perimetry and glaucomatous filed defects
- nonstandard functional tests in the evaluation of glaucoma. Section 3 Clinical entities of glaucoma - open-angle glaucomas: primary (idiopathic) open-angle glaucoma
- corticosteroid-induced glaucoma
- pigment dispersion syndrome and pigmentary glaucoma
- exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
- glaucoma associated with elevated episcleral venous pressure
- angle-closure glaucomas - primary angle-closure glaucoma
- aqueous misdirection syndrome (malignant or ciliary block glaucoma)
- neovascular glaucoma
- glaucoma associated with iridocorneal endothelial syndrome
- other types of glaucoma - glaucoma associated with lens disorders
- surgically induced glaucoma
- glaucoma associated with trauma
- glaucoma associated with uveitis (inflammatory glaucoma)
- glaucoma associated with vitreoretinal disorders and intraocular tumours
- glaucomas in infancy and childhood - common variants of paediatric glaucomas. Section 4 Management of patient with glaucoma: medicinal therapy for glaucoma
- laser surgery in glaucoma
- surgical management of glaucoma - glaucoma filtration surgery
- surgical management of glaucoma - aqueous shunting procedures
- cyclodestructive procedures in glaucoma. Subject index.
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