A glossary of computing terms
A glossary of computing terms
Longman on behalf of the British Computer Society, 1996, c1995
8th ed., 2nd impression
Includes index
This text explains computing terms in simple language, covering all aspects from programming languages through systems software to applications of IT. This edition has been reconstructed into three main parts: how computer systems are used; what they are made up of; and how they work.
- Part One: how computers are used
- data processing
- word processing and document preparation
- spreadsheets
- communications
- databases and information retrieval
- graphics and design
- modelling and simulation
- virtual reality
- control
- numerical and scientific programming
- sound
- hypertext and hypermedia
- computer-assisted learning and training
- artificial intelligence and expert systems
- user interface
- user documentation
- computer personnel
- computer law and administration. Part Two: what computer systems are made up of
- types of computer
- memory
- display devices
- printers
- other peripheral devices
- networks. Part Three: how computer systems work
- systems design and life cycle
- system documentation
- management and manipulation of data
- programming concepts
- programming (flow of execution)
- programming (subprograms)
- program syntax
- program documentation
- testing programs
- programming languages
- data representation
- numeric data representation
- systems software
- machine architecture
- microcomputer buses and interfaces
- physical components
- communications technology
- logic.
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