Educational administration : a problem-based approach


Educational administration : a problem-based approach

William G. Cunningham, Paula A. Cordeiro

Allyn and Bacon, c2000

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Includes bibliographical references (p. 410-429) and indexes



This new text, which includes original expert commentary on chapter contents, reflects current changes and thinking in educational administration. Succinct and well-written, the text shares with readers the very latest thinking in the field and relates it to significant real-life problems of practice. The book uses a problem-based approach and provides readers with opportunities to analyze and apply their knowledge to authentic situations. The text includes multiple perspectives that challenge readers to synthesize the material into an effective administrative platform and to make productive choices in arriving at problem solutions. It does not abandon the social science, research, and empirical tradition, but carefully examines moral, ethical, and behavioral implications as well as critical thinking, best practice, and field situated opportunities. Educational Administration presents the major aspects of administration and the complex set of problems and performance assessment challenges that administrators face every day. It emphasizes a number of important challenges like the increasing diversity in our schools and society and the impact of reforms and technology on learning environments. Numerous pedagogical features, philosophical orientations, and emerging lines of inquiry engage readers throughout their explorations and reading assignments.


Most chapters include "Conclusion," "Portfolio Artifacts," "Terms," and "Selected Reading(s)." Preface. 1.Administrative Theory and Leadership Responsibility. Vignette: Leadership Differences in Flem Snopes School District. Administrative Process and Knowledge. Meta-Narratives. Scientific Approaches. Transitional: Realism, Subjectivism, Naturalism, Structuralism. Critical Theory: Values, Ethics, and Control. Gender and Race. Postmodernism, Broad Fields, and Beyond. Administrative Platforms. Donald J. Willower, School Improvement. Moral Issues. The Knowledge Based of Educational Administration. Gener R. Carter, Leadership Qualities for Our Schools. 2.Context and Perspective for Educational Administrators. Vignette: Scrivner Middle School-Understanding the Context. The Federal and State Role. Broad, Complex Context. Educational Origins. Establishing National Goals. Luvern L. Cunningham, Thoughts for Leaders of Educational Institutions in Transition. The 1990s and Beyond. Responding to New Educational Needs. State Roles and Responses. Gerald N. Tirozzi, The Federal View of Education. Challenges in the 21st Century. 3.School Reform. Vignette: Reform at Prubrock School. Reform Models and the 21st Century. Stephanie Pace Marshall, Ph.D., Leading Innovative Schools. An Assessment of School Reform. Finding New Directions. Championing the Cause. Common Themes in a Changing World. The Needed Reforms. Innovative Programs. Other Innovative Models and Their Benefits Carl Glickman, Lew Allen, and James Weiss, A Framework for School Improvement. Harnessing Technology. Jane M. Juliano, Wilson Elementary School: Five Steps to a Successful Technology Program. The Leadership Challenge. 4.Cultural Diversity and Community. Vignette: Cultures Clash in Fairhaven. Diversity in Schools. Socioeconomic Status and Social Class. U.S. Population Demographics. A Word about the Language We Use. Racial Categories: What's in a Name? Cultural Identity. Cultural Transitions. Prejudice and Discrimination. Discrimination in Schools. Competing Perspective: Theories, Models, and Approaches to Race, Class, and Gender. Cultural Deficiency Approach. Single-Group Studies Approach. Multicultural Education Approach. Social Justice Education Approach. Segregation, Desegregation, and Integration. Magnet Schools. Language Diversity in U.S. in Schools: Program Options. Viviana Alexandrowicz, Promoting Linguistically Diverse Learners' Academic Success. English Only, English Plus, and Programs for Nonstandard English Speakers. Fostering School, Family, and Community Partnerships. Joyce L. Epstein, Developing Programs of School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Administrators Make a Difference. Connecting Schools and community Organizations. 5.School District Organizational Structure and Leadership. Vignette: Challenging Old Behaviors at Ophelia High School. The Local Role. The Local School Division. The School Board. The School Division Superintendent. Central Office Operations. Marilyn Tallerico, Local School Structures and Arrangements. The School Administrator. Principal: Instructional Leader or School Manager? Paul Houston, Putting "C's" into the Village. A Typical Day. Appendix A: The Joint AASA-NSBA Superintendent Guidelines. 6.Successful School Leadership. Vignette: Failing Health at Atlas Shrug High School. Assessing Leadership Characteristics. Paradigms of Leadership: A Growing Knowledge Base. Leadership Instrument Analyses. McGregor's Theory X and Y. The Ohio State Studies. The New Managerial Grid. Situational and Contingency Leadership. University of Michigan Studies. Michael Fullan, Leadership and the Change Process. Recent Theories of Leadership. Search for Excellence. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The Learning Organization. The New Science of Leadership. Total Quality Management (TQM). School-Based Management (SBM). Cultural Leadership. Transformational Leadership. The Reflective Practitioner. Paul V. Bredeson, Principals as Instructional Leaders: Modeling and Supporting Teaching and Learning. Leadership Traits or Skills. Appendix A: Directions for Scoring Box 6.1 The X-Y Scale. Appendix B: Directions for Scoring Box 6.4 Leadership Behavior Survey. Appendix C: Directions for Scoring Box 6.5 Measuring Preferred Management Styles. Appendix D: Twenty-One Combined Domains of Effective School Leadership. 7.Moral and Ethical Dimensions of Leadership. Vignette: Cuyamaca High Deals with Value Collision. The Purposes of Leadership. On Being Truly Human. The Role of Culture. Clarifying and Resolving Value Conflict. The Authentic Self. Robert J. Starratt, Grounding Moral Educational Leadership in the Intrinsically Moral Enterprise of Learning. Creating Community. Building an Ethical School. The Ethic of Caring. The Ethic of Justice. The Ethic of Critique. Ethics-Based Leadership. Transformational Leadership. Servant Leadership. Stewardship. Lynn Beck, The Ethical Challenge of Educational Administrators: Grappling with the Complexity of Moral Leadership. Foundations of Ethical Behavior: Standards for Good Practice. Being Ethical Leaders: Approaches to Skill Development. Codes of Ethics. Building an Educational Platform. 8.Program Development, Delivery, and Assessment. Vignette: Program Improvement at Linton Elementary. Conceptions of Academic Achievement. Theories of Intelligence. Types of Knowledge. Learning Transfer. Constructivism: A New Concept of Learning. Building a Culture of Learning. Curriculum Design and Educational Programming. Functions of Curriculum. Allan A. Glatthorn, Principal as Curriculum Leader. The Standards Movement. Curricular and Instructional Change. Development Curriculum and Programs. Designing and Managing the Curriculum. Laurel N. Tanner, Seeing the Curriculum Whole: The Function of a Real Educational Leader. Program Improvement and Evaluation. Utilizing Time. Year-Round Education. Block Scheduling. Looping. Time on Task. Assessing Student Progress. Portfolios. Grant Wiggins, Assessing Student Progress. Reporting Student Progress. Presenting Student Outcome to the Community. 9.Pupil Personnel Services. Vignette: Challenges from Thurber Middle School. Taking Care of the Students. Pupil Personnel-Student Service Team. Counseling, Guidance, Psychological Services. Special Education and Remedial Instruction. Leonard Burrello, Principles of Leadership for Special Services. School Health Services. Child Accounting and School Safely. School Discipline. Pupil Appraisal, Testing, and Diagnostics. Extra-Curricular Activities. Integrating Services for Children and Families. 10.Human Resource Management. Vignette: Staffing Problems at Lincoln Elementary School. Taking Care of the Staff. Job Analysis, Classification, and Staff Planning. Job Analysis. Job Classification. Staff Planning. Recruitment. Selection. Alternative Selection Approaches. Perceiver Academy. Assessment Centers. Perfromance Appraisal and Evaluation. Planning the Evaluation. Collecting Information. Using Information. Staff Development. Employee Assistance and Wellness Programs. Wellness Program. Ronald Rebore, Human Resource Administration in the Third Millennium. Organizational Development. Wage and Salary Considerations. Benefits. Collective Bargaining. Employee Records and Reports. Employee Litigation. Robert R. Spillane, Managing Human Needs. 11.Schools and the Law. Vignette: Not Following School Board Policy. Legal Responsibility. Learning about Schools and Legal Issues. The U.S. Legal System. Federal Role in Education. Federal Courts. Perry A. Zirkel and Kathleen A. Sullivan, Understanding Court Decisions. The State's Legal Role in Education. State Legislatures, Adminstrative Agencies, and Local Boards of Control. School Districts and Litigation. Legal Issues and Schools. Due Process. Freedom of Speech and Expression. Discipline and Students with Disabilities. The Confidentiality of Student Records. Charles J. Russo, Student Rights. Monitoring Compliance with Policies and Procedures. Martha McCarthy, Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Educational Leadership. 12.Resource Allocation and Management. Vignette: Identifying Funding Sources for Meadows High. Financing Schools. Taxes. Federal Involvement in Financing Schools. State Involvement in Financing Schools. Local Involvement in Financing Schools. Vouchers. Nontraditional Revenue Sources. School Foundations. Revenue Sources for Independent Schools. Harvey B. Polansky, Obtaining Funding for Educational Programs. Grant Writing. Budgeting, Accounting, and Facility Management. The Budget Process. Types of Budgeting. Line-Item Budgeting. Planning, Programming, Budgeting System (PPBS). Zero-Based Budgeting. Incremental Budgeting. School-Based Management (SBM) and School-Based Budgeting. Activity Funds. Fiscal Accounting. The Audit. Richard A. King, Acquiring, Allocating, and Accounting for Resources. Managing School Supplies and Equipment. Maintaining School Buildings and Grounds. School Safety. 13.Problem-Based Learning Projects. Problem-Based Learning: Ed Bridges and Philip Hallinger, Problem-Based Learning in Educational Leadership. Facilitating Groups. Donn Gresso, Group and Team Processing Skills. Ellen Smith Sloan, Safe Havens: A Problem-Based Learning Project. Paula A. Cordeiro, A Jalapeno in a Candy Jar: Addressing Cultural Diversity. Barbara S. Campbell, Atoms and Bits: A Technology PBL Project. William G. Cunningham, Marveling at the Results: Power, Roles, Relationships, and School Reform. References. Biliography. Index.

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