Basic environmental technology : water supply, waste management, and pollution control
Basic environmental technology : water supply, waste management, and pollution control
Prentice Hall, c1997
2nd ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references (p. 431) and index
This edition was written to fill a need for a practical, clearly written introductory textbook for civil/construction or environmental engineering technology courses. The emphasis is on fundamental concepts and basic applications with logical and systematic treatment of topics which have been modified or supplemented to reflect new technical and regulatory changes in the field. Separate and expanded chapters have been included for solid waste, hazardous waste, air and noise pollution. There is also a new expanded glossary and a list of public domain software.
Basic Concepts. Hydraulics. Hydrology. Water Quality. Water Pollution. Drinking Water Purification. Water Distribution Systems. Sanitary Sewer Systems. Stormwater Control. Wastewater Treatment and Disposal. Municipal Solid Waste. Hazardous Waste Management. Air Pollution and Control. Noise Pollution and Control.
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