Studies in medieval literature : a memorial collection of essays


Studies in medieval literature : a memorial collection of essays

by Roger Sherman Loomis ; with a foreword by Albert C. Baugh ; and a bibliography of Loomis by Ruth Roberts

(Burt Franklin research & source works series, 599 . Essays in literature & criticism ; 92)

Burt Franklin, c1970


Includes bibliographical references (p. 327-338)

  • Morgain la Fée in the oral tradition
  • The head in the Grail
  • Malory's Beaumains
  • Breton folklore and Arthurian romance
  • The strange history of Caradoc of Vannes
  • The visit to the perilous castle
  • Scotland and the Arthurian legend
  • More Celtic elements in Gawain and the Green Knight
  • Vandeberes, Wandlebury, and the Lai de l'espine
  • By what route did the Romantic tradition of Arthur reach the French?
  • Objections to the Celtic origins of Matière de Bretagne
  • The pas saladin in art and heraldry
  • Was Chaucer a Laodicean?
  • Edward I, Arthurian enthusiast
  • Was Chaucer a free thinker?
  • Pioneers in Arthurian scholarship
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