The idiom advantage : fluency in speaking and listening


    • Watkins, Dana


The idiom advantage : fluency in speaking and listening

Dana Watkins

Addison-Wesley, c1995

  • student book

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6




Increase your students' fluency of English through mastery of common American idioms. The Idiom Advantage: Fluency in Speaking and Listening, by Dana Watkins, offers a wide variety of interactive activities that provide students with opportunities to hear, read, and produce idioms in interesting and engaging ways. *Idioms are contextualized in narratives, interviews, news reports, radio programs, and conversations for both reading and listening. *Controlled listening and writing activities help students understand meaning and structure. *Authentic magazine and newspaper advertisements present the idioms in clever and memorable ways to broaden students' understanding. *Students practice using idioms in role play, debate, oral presentation, group discussion, and writing.


1 NEGOTIATION black and white / no ifs, ands, or buts / rule out / have it both ways / up in the air / pros and cons / fine line / not see the forest for the trees / see something in a whole new light / right under one's nose / change one's tune / make a plug 2 ROMANCE head over heels in love / stars in one's eyes / put someone on a pedestal / feel ten feet tall / look like a million bucks / promise the moon / lay it on thick / breathing room / no strings attached / know where one stands / get something / someone off one's mind / give someone a ring 3 PROBLEM SOLVING open a can of worms / blow it / in over one's head / keep a level head / cut corners / slip one's mind / till the cows come home / throw in the towel / right around the corner / cross that bridge when one comes to it / get something off the ground / off the top of one's head / odds are 4 MAKING AN IMPRESSION make a mark / take center stage / hands down / have a corner on something / strike a chord / feather in one's cap / ahead of one's time / bring to one's feet / put one's name on the line / raise eyebrows / off the beaten path / warm up to / hand over fist / flash in the pan 5 FACING DEFEAT uphill battle / not have a prayer / bite off more than one can chew / slip through one's fingers / too close for comfort / sitting duck / wipe out / stop something in its tracks / take it out on someone / bring to one's knees / miss the boat / save face 6 EFFORT put one's best foot forward / make a splash / have an edge / get a leg up on someone / bend over backwards / stick one's neck out / go to great lengths / go to the ends of the earth / on the go / take something in stride / toe the line / have a good head on one's shoulders / let someone down 7 AMBITION corporate ladder / fast track / top banana / call the shots / take the heat / keep up with the times / make something fly / have a nose for something / mean business / feather one's nest / nest egg / follow in someone's footsteps / open doors 8 LEISURE take it easy / live it up / have a blast / paint the town red / make one's day / catch one's eye / take one's breath away / top-of-the-line / dressed to kill / keep up with the Joneses / beneath one / at one's feet / on the house 9 ARGUING make mountains out of molehills / get a rise out of someone / drive someone crazy / cheap shot / show one's true colors / mean beans / take a hike / four-letter words / couldn't care less / cut it out / give someone a break / clear the air 10 MONEY doesn't grow on trees / in the red / in the black / stretched too thin / cost (or charge) an arm and a leg / take someone to the cleaners / for a song / bounce a check / cough up / hang on / live within one's means / search high and low / get one's hands on something / stay put 11 GOSSIP drop in / stay in touch / come alive / keep something bottled up / floor someone / make waves / out of this world / get the picture / the last word / travel in the wrong circles / fair-weather friend / egg on one's face 12 ACHIEVING SUCCESS get rolling / get one's gears turning / learn the ropes / no sweat / go by the book / to the letter / worth one's salt / stack up / snowed under / give someone the runaround / middle-of-the road / go belly-up APPENDIXES Glossary Tapescript and Answer Key

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