American industry in international competition : government policies and corporate strategies
American industry in international competition : government policies and corporate strategies
(Cornell studies in political economy / edited by Peter J. Katzenstein)(Cornell paperbacks)
Cornell University Press, 1984
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全26件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
- American industry in international competition / Laura Tyson and John Zysman
- The politics of competitive erosion in the U.S. steel industry / Michael Borrus
- Decline in an expanding industry : Japanese competition in color television / James E. Millstein
- Trade and development in the semiconductor industry : Japanese challenge and American response / Michael Borrus, James E. Millstein, and John Zysman
- The politics of protection in the U.S. textile and apparel industries / Vinod K. Aggarwal, with Stephan Haggard
- Adjustment in the footwear industry : the consequences of orderly marketing agreements / David B. Yoffie
- Beyond the age of Ford : the strategic basis of the Japanese success in automobiles / David Friedman
- Italian small business development : lessons for U.S. industrial policy / Michael Piore and Charles Sabel
- Conclusions : what to do now? / Laura Tyson and John Zysman
Examines the competition between American and foreign companies in the manufacture of steel, color television, semiconductors, textiles, footwear, automobiles.
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