
Luristan Excavation Documents

by E. Haerinck and B. Overlaet

(Acta Iranica, 33, 36, 40, 42-43, 46, 50)(Acta Iranica, 3e sér . Textes et mémoires ; v. 19, 22, 26-28)

Peeters, 1998-

  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4
  • v. 5
  • v. 6
  • v. 7
  • v. 8


"Belgian Arcaaeological Mission in Iran, The Excavations in Luristan, Pusht-i Kuh (1965-1979)"--T.p.

"The Ghent University and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, Joint Expedition directed by Louis Vanden Berghe"--T.p.

  • v. 2. Chamahzi Mumah, an Iron Age III Graveyard
  • v. 3. Djub-i Gauhar and Gul Khanan Murdah, Iron Age III graveyards in the Aivan plain
  • v. 4. The Early Iron Age in the Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan
  • v. 5. The Iron Age III Graveyard at war Kubud Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan
  • v. 6. Bani Surmah : an early Bronze Age graveyard in Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan
  • v. 7. The Kalleh Nizar Bronze graveyard in Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan
  • v. 8. Early Bronze Age graveyards to the west of the Kabir Kuh (Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan)

v. 2 ISBN 9789042900271


This monograph is the final report of the excavation of the Chamahzi Mumah graveyard in Luristan, Iran, by the University of Ghent and the Royal Museum of Art and History, Brussels. The excavations, directed by Louis Vanden Berghe, were conducted in 1974 and 1975. In total 81 tombs were discovered. They contained a wide range of objects, including pottery, iron and bronze ornament, jewellery. The graveyard can be dated to the Iron Age III in Western Iran (8th-7th century B.C.). Whereas iron is generally used for swords, daggers and arrowheads, as well as for a sculpture, bronze was still preferred for decorated axe-adzes, maceheads, and shields. All the finds are illustrated in line drawings, the tombs and the main objects also in photo.

v. 3 ISBN 9789042907188


This monograph is the final report, with full documentation of the excavations at the graveyards at Djub-i Gauhar and Gul Khanan Murdah, located in the Aivan plain, Luristan Pusht-i Kuh. The excavations at these sites (1977 and '78) in Western Iran were directed by Louis Vanden Berghe, on behalf of the University of Ghent and the Royal Museum of Art and History, Brussels. Both burial grounds are to be dated in the Iron Age III (8th-7th century B.C.). The graves contained a rich variety of objects, such as pottery vessels, iron and bronze weapons (daggers, swords, axes, arrowheads, ...), bronze vessels, cylinder seals, and luxury items (finger rings, earrings, bracelets, fibula, beads). All the graves and finds are illustrated in line drawings; most of the tombs and the vast majority of the objects figure also in photo.

v. 4 ISBN 9789042912434


Final report and study of the Early Iron Age (Iron Age I - II) graveyards which were excavated by the Belgian Archaeological Expedition in Luristan (West-Iran) between 1965 and 1979. The book consists of three main sections. The first part is a general introduction to the archaeological research in Luristan. It includes a survey of all the excavations in Luristan that provided information on the Iron Age. The second part is a study of the Pusht-i Kuh graveyards, the tombs and their gravegoods. It results in the proposal of a refined chronology for the Pusht-i Kuh region in the period between 1300-1250 B.C. and 800/750 B.C. The third part provides the full excavation data on the 11 graveyards under discussion. A general introduction to each graveyard is followed by the presentation of the different tombs with their burialgoods. These are presented in both line drawings and photographs.

v. 5 ISBN 9789042915503


This monograph is the final report of the excavation of the War Kabud graveyard in Luristan, Iran, by the University of Ghent and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels. The excavations, directed by Louis Vanden Berghe, were conducted in 1965 and 1966. War Kabud represents the largest number of excavated tombs (203) in a single Pusht-i Kuh cemetery. Dating back to the Iron Age III (8th-7th c. BCE), it is a representative assemblage of burialgoods and testifies of the homogeneity of the material culture of that period. Burials are individual and the dead were usually accompanied by pottery and quite often also by iron weapons (arrowheads, swords and daggers, spearheads, axes), bronze maces, vessels, anklets, bracelets and a variety of beads. The site, although essentially with a local material culture, shows some relations with Assyria. All finds are illustrated in line drawings, the tombs and the main objects also in photographs.

v. 6 ISBN 9789042916647


This volume presents the final report of the excavations at the Bani Surmah graveyard in Pusht-i Kuh Luristan, Iran, by Ghent University and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels. The Excavations, directed by Louis Vanden Berghe, were conducted in 1966 and 1967. Thirty-seven tombs made of stone boulders were excavated. Some were small and measured between two and four meters in length. Most, however, were much larger and measured ten meters or more in length. Most tombs were collective and were used by several generations. The burial goods cover almost the whole third millennium. Bani Surmah is located in the sub-region I of the Pusht-i Kuh, which is the closest to Mesopotamia. Many of the objects found in the tombs, such as common and painted pottery, seals and metalwork are of Mesopotamian origin. The close ties of this region with Mesopotamia raise some questions about the historical geography. Also the way of life and subsistence of past population groups in Pusht-i Kuh are considered. All the finds are illustrated in line drawings, the tombs and most objects also in photo.

v. 7 ISBN 9789042919952


This volume is the final report on the 1967-1968 excavations at Kalleh Nisar in Pusht-i Kuh Luristan, Iran, by Ghent University and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels. A large number of tombs, constructed with stone boulders, and remains of 2 buildings were discovered. One of these buildings is of Chalcolithic date. Individual and collective tombs were constructed at Kalleh Nisar throughout the 3rd millennium. Corridor-shaped tombs of up to 13m in length were designed as collective tombs and were used by several generations. Some were still re-used in the second millennium. The burial goods include plain and painted pottery, metal weapons and utensils, seals and jewellery. The finds cover the whole third and the first half of the second millennium. Bani Surmah is located in sub-region I of the Pusht-i Kuh, which is the closest to Mesopotamia. This explains the imports and influence of Mesopotamia in this part of Luristan. Metal analysis has nevertheless indicated the existence of a local metal production. The way of life and subsistence of past population groups in Pusht-i Kuh are considered. All the finds are illustrated in line drawings, the tombs and most objects also in photo.

v. 8 ISBN 9789042922747


This volume is the final report on the 1965-1979 excavations by Ghent University and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, in sub-region I, the most western part of Pusht-i Kuh in Luristan (W-Iran), which is the closest to Mesopotamia. The volume is divided into two parts. The first part discusses tombs at nine sites from the Early Bronze Age I to III period (early and middle third millennium B.C.). Most of these were collective tombs; some of them were even re-used in later periods. Two Sasanian interments with exceptional burial goods are also documented. The second part of the book deals with tombs from the late third and the early second millennium (Early Bronze Age IV), or the so called 'Gutian'-tombs. These small individual tombs were documented at six sites. Usually they have three walls only, but occasional reuse of earlier tombs was attested as well. Burial goods include plain and painted pottery, metal weapons and utensils, seals and personal ornaments, some of it of Mesopotamian origin or at least related to it. All the finds are illustrated in line drawings, with the tombs and most objects also in photographs. Metal analyses of objects were performed and the results are included in the volume.

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  • Acta Iranica

    Bibliothèque Pahlavi , Diffusion, E.J. Brill
