Case concerning military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) Affaire des activités militaires et paramilitaires au Nicaragua et contre celui-ci (Nicaragua c. États-Unis d'Amérique)


Case concerning military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) = Affaire des activités militaires et paramilitaires au Nicaragua et contre celui-ci (Nicaragua c. États-Unis d'Amérique)

International Court of Justice = Cour internationale de justice

(Pleadings, oral arguments, documents = Mémoires, plaidoiries et documents)

International Court of Justice, [1984]-

  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4
  • v. 5

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



Text in English and French

"Entered on the Court's general list on 9 April 1984 under number 70, was the subject of judgments delivered on 26 November 1984"--P. vii

Vol. 1. Application instituting proceedings ; Request for the indication of provisional measures and consequent proceedings ; Memorial of Nicaragua (jurisdiction and admissibility) -- v. 2. Counter-memorial of the United States of America (jurisdiction and admissibility) ; Declaration of Intervention by El Salvador and observations thereon by Nicaragua and the United States of America -- v. 3. Oral arguments on jurisdiction and admissibility ; Exhibits and documents submittd by Nicaragua and the United States of America in connection with the oral procedure on jurisdiction and admissibility -- v. 4. Memorial of Nicaragua (merits) ; Supplemental documents -- v. 5. Oral arguments on the merits ; Memorial of Nicaragua (compensation) ; Correspondence

Sales number 753-757

Includes bibliographical references



One of the main purposes of the United Nations is to bring about, by peaceful means, adjustment or settlement of international disputes. This is accomplished through the International Court of Justice, a principal organ of the United Nations. A full list of ICJ publications can be obtained by contacting your nearest UN Publications Sales Office.

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