The Restoration and the 18th century


The Restoration and the 18th century

Stuart Sherman

(The Longman anthology of British literature / David Damrosch, general editor, 1C)

Addison Wesley Longman, 1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references (p.2913-2924) and index



Volume 1C (The Eighteenth Century) of 6-volume splits of parent volumes.


  • Preface. Acknowledgments. Political and Religious Orders. THE RESTORATION AND THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. The Diary, Samuel Pepys. First Entries. The Coronation of Charles II. The Plague Year. The Fire of London. Companion Reading. From Kalendarium, John Evelyn. The Royal Society. Theater and Music. Elizabeth Pepys and Deborah Willett. From The Case of Madam Mary Carleton, Mary Carleton. Perspectives: The Royal Society and the New Science. From The History of the Royal Society of London, Thomas Sprat. Philosophical Transactions. From Philosophical Transactions. From Micrographia, Robert Hooke. From Brief Lives. John Aubrey. Dutchess of New Castle, Margaret Cavendish. Poems, and Fancies, The Poetress's Hasty Resolution. The Poetress's Petition. An Apology for Writing So Much upon This Book. The Hunting of the Hare. From A True Relation of My Birth, Breeding, and Life. Observations upon Experimental Philosophy. Of Micrography, and of Magnifying and Multiplying Glasses. The Description of a New Blazing World. From To the Reader. Creating Worlds. Empress, Duchess, Duke. Epilogue. Absalom and Achitophel: A Poem, John Dryden. Companion Reading. His Majesty's Declaration to all His Loving Subjects (8 April 1681), Charles II. Mac Flecknoe. To the Memory of Mr. Oldham. To the Pious Memory of the Accomplished Young Lady Mrs. Anne Killigrew. Alexander's Feast. Fables Ancient and Modern. From The Preface. From The Cock and the Fox. The Disappointment, Aphra Behn. To Lysander, On Some Verses He Writ. To Lysander at the Music-Meeting. To the Fair Clarinda, Who Made Love to Me, Imagined More than Woman. Aphra Behn In Context: Coterie Writing. To the Ladies, Mary, Lady Chudleigh. To Almystrea. The Introduction, Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea. Friendship Between Ephelia and Ardelia. A Ballad to Mrs. Catherine Fleming in London. The Headache, Mary Leapor. To Aurelia. Advice to Sophronia. An Essay on Woman. The Epistle of Deborah Dough. Oroonoko. Against Constancy, John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester. The Disabled Debauchee. Song ("Love a woman? You're an ass!" ). The Imperfect Enjoyment. Upon Nothing. A Satyr Against Reason and Mankind. George Etherege. The Man of Mode
  • or Sir Fopling Flutter. "The Man of Mode" In Context: The Collier Controversy. From A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, Jeremy Collier. The Spectator, No. 65, Richard Steele. From A Defense of "Sir Fopling Flutter," John Dennis. From Some Reflections Upon Marriage, Mary Astell. A True Relation of the Apparition of One Mrs. Veal, Daniel Defoe. "A True Relation" In Context: Parallel Accounts. Letter to her Aunt, L. Lukyn. Letter to John Flamsteed, Stephen Gray. An Interview with Mrs. Bargrave. A Journal of the Plague Year. At the Burial Pit. Encounter with a Waterman. Perspectives: Reading Papers. News and Comment. From Mercurius Publicus Anniversary of the Regicide. From The London Gazette The Fire of London. From Daily Courant No. 1 Editorial Policy. From A Review of the State of the British Nation, Vol. 4, No. 21 The New Union, Daniel Defoe. From The Craftsman No. 307 Vampires in Britain. Periodical Personae. From Tatler No. 1 Introducing Mr. Bickerstaff, Richard Steele. From Spectator No. 1 Introducing Mr. Spectator, Joseph Addison. From Female Spectator No. 1 The Author's Intent. From Tatler No. 18 The News-Writers in Danger, Richard Steele. From Tatler No. 155 The Political Upholsterer, Joseph Addison. From Spectator No. 10 The Spectator and Its Readers, Joseph Addison. Getting, Spending, Speculating. Spectator No. 69 Royal Exchange, Joseph Addison. Spectator No. 11 Inkle and Yarico, Richard Steele. From A Review of the State of the British Nation, Vol. 1, No. 43 Weak Foundations, Daniel Defoe. Advertisements from the Spectator. A Bubbler's Medley. From Historical Register for the Year 1720. A Song on the South Sea, Anne Finch. The Hubble Bubbles, Thomas D'Urfey. From The Weekly Journal, Thomas Read. From Craftsman No. 47 Usbeck to Rica at Ispahan, Nicholas Amhurst. Men and Women, Manners and Marriage. From Tatler No. 25 Duellists, Richard Steele. From A Review of the State of the British Nation, Vol. 9, No 34 A Duellist's Conscience, Daniel Defoe. From The Athenian Mercury. From Tatler No. 104 Jenny Distaff Newly Married, Richard Steele. Spectator No. 128 Variety of Temper, Joseph Addison. From The Female Spectator, Vol. 1, No. 1 Seomanthe's Elopement, Eliza Haywood. From The Female Spectator, Vol. 2, No. 10 Women's Education, Eliza Haywood. A Description of the Morning, Jonathan Swift. A Description of a City Shower. Stella's Birthday, 1719. Stella's Birthday, 1727. The Lady's Dressing Room. Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, D. S. P. D. Journal to Stella. Letter 10. Gulliver's Travels. Part 3. A Voyage to Laputa. Chapter 5. Chapter 10. Part 4. A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. Companion Readings. From Letters on Gulliver's Travels. Jonathan Swift to Alexander Pope. Alexander Pope to Jonathan Swift. John Gay to Jonathan Swift. Jonathan Swift to Alexander Pope. "The Prince of Lilliput" to Stella. A Modest Proposal. Companion Readings. From Political Arithmetic, William Petty. An Essay on Criticism, Alexander Pope. Windsor-Forest. The Rape of the Lock. The Iliad. From Preface On Translation. From Book 12 Sarpedon's Speech. Eloisa to Abelard. Epistle 4. To Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington. An Essay on Man. Epistle 1. To the Reader. The Design. Argument. An Epistle from Mr. Pope, to Dr. Arbuthnot. The Dunciad. Book the Fourth. The Goddess Coming in Her Majesty. The Geniuses of the Schools. Young Gentlemen Returned from Travel. The Minute Philosophers and the Consummation of All. The Turkish Embassy Letters, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. To Lady - On the Turkish Baths. To Lady Mar On Turkish Dress. Letter to Lady Bute On Her Granddaughter. Epistle from Mrs. Yonge to Her Husband. The Lover: A Ballad. The Reasons That Induced Dr. S. to Write a Poem Called The Lady's Dressing Room. The Beggar's Opera, John Gay. A Rake's Progress, William Hogarth. Perspectives: Mind and God. From A Letter to Richard Bentley. Isaac Newton. From An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke. A Prospect of Heaven Makes Death Easy, Isaac Watts. The Hurry of the Spirits, in a Fever and Nervous Disorders. Against Idleness and Mischief. Man Frail, and God Eternal. Miracles Attending Israel's Journey. Spectator No. 465, Joseph Addison. From Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous, George Berkeley. From A Treatise of Human Nature, David Hume. From An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. From Jubilate Agno, Christopher Smart. Light Shining out of Darkness, William Cowper. From The Task. The Cast-away. Winter. A Poem, James Thomson. Autumn Evening and Night. Winter Night. The Seasons. From Autumn. Rule, Britannia. "The Seasons" In Context: Poems of Nightfall and Night. A Nocturnal Reverie, Anne Finch. From The Complaint, Edward Young. Ode to Evening, William Collins. Ode Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Thomson. From The Task, William Cooper. Thomas Gray. Letters. To Horace Walpole, 16 April 1734. To Richard West, December 1736. To Horace Walpole, 12 June 1750. To Horace Walpole, 1 February 1751. To Horace Walpole, 20 February 1751. Sonnet on the Death of Mr. Richard West. Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College. Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. The Vanity of Human Wishes, Samual Johnson. A Short Song of Congratulation. On the Death of Dr. Robert Levet. The Rambler. No. 4 On Fiction. No. 5 On Spring. No. 60 On Biography. No. 170 On Misella, a Prostitute. No. 171 Misella Continues. No. 207 Beginnings, Middles, and Ends. From A Review of Soame Jenyns' A Free Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil. The Idler. No. 31 On Idleness. No. 32 On Sleep. No. 84 On Autobiography. No. 97 On Travel Writing. A Dictionary of the English Language. From Preface. Some Entries. Rasselas. The History of Imlac. The Plays of William Shakespeare. From Preface. Notes on Othello. Travel Writing. Letter to Hester Thrale (21 September 1773). A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. Anoch. Glensheals. The Highlands. Glenelg. From Skye. Armidel. Lives of the Poets. From The Life of Milton. From The Life of Pope. From Annals Infancy and Childhood. Letters. To Lord Chesterfield (7 February 1755). To Hester Thrale (19 June 1783). To Hester Thrale Piozzi (2 July 1784). To Hester Thrale Piozzi (8 July 1784). London Journal, James Boswell. A Scot in London. Louisa. First Meeting with Johnson. An Account of My Last Interview with David Hume, Esq. From A Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Dr. Samuel Johnson. The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Introduction
  • Boswell's Method. Conversations about Hume. Dinner with Wilkes. Conversations at Streatham and the Club. The Family Book, Hester Salusbury Thrale Piozzi. On Her Daughter's Progress. On the Death of Her Son. On Her Marriage and Household. Thraliana. First Entries. The Death of Henry Thrale
  • Marriage to Piozzi. The Death of Johnson. The Deserted Village, Oliver Goldsmith. Companion Readings. From The Village, George Crabbe. From The Parish Register, George Crabbe. Perspectives: Landscape, Measure, Power. Cooper's Hill, John Denham. Spectator No. 412 The Great, the Uncommon, the Beautiful, Joseph Addison. From No. 414 Nature, Art, Gardens. Letter to Edward Blount Grotto and Garden, Alexander Pope. Letter to Sir Horace Mann The Garden at Strawberry Hill, Horace Walpole. From A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful, Edmund Burke. From A Journal-Letter to Thomas Wharton, Thomas Gray. From On Picturesque Travel, Willia M. Gilpin. Political and Religious Orders. Money, Weights and Measures. Money, Weights and Measures. Glossary of Literary and Cultural Terms. Bibliography. Credits. Index.

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