Discovering the universe
Discovering the universe
W. H. Freeman , Macmillan [manufacture], 1999
5th ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Previous ed.: Oxford: W. H. Freeman, 1998
This edition of this brief text has been thoroughly updated. The accompanying CD-ROM features a special student version of the award-winning virtual planetarium software "Starry Night" plus software animations and videos, all illustrations from the text, interactive Q&A and exercises, and supplementary resources. Material can be updated periodically from the Freeman Web site. There is an online study guide offering a CD-Web guide, chapter objectives, key terms, review questions, "Starry Night" observations exercises and online tutorials.
- Build your foundation I - discovering astronomy: discovering the night sky
- gravitation and the waltz of the planets
- light and telescopes
- the origin and nature of light. Build your foundation II - the solar system: earth and moon
- the other terrestrial planets
- the outer planets
- vagabonds of the solar system
- our star, the Sun. Build your foundation III - the stars: the nature of stars
- the lives of stars
- the deaths of stars
- black holes. Build your foundation IV - the universe: the Milky Way galaxy
- galaxies
- quasars and active galaxies
- cosmology
- the search for extraterrestrial life. Appendices: tables of data
- temperatures and temperature scales.
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