Adobe Illustrator : a visual guide for the Mac : a step-by-step approach to learning illustration software
Bibliographic Information
Adobe Illustrator : a visual guide for the Mac : a step-by-step approach to learning illustration software
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1995
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Description and Table of Contents
Adobe Illustrator: A Visual Guide for the Mac is an inspirational and practical guide for using this leading PostScript illustration program. The book's clear, colorful illustrations and concise, information-packed captions show step-by-step how to accomplish the graphic effects that electronic designers and illustrators use daily in their work. Through demonstrations created especially for this book, as well as an "inside" look at the work of internationally recognized designers, the book shows beginning, intermediate, and even advanced users how to get the most from Adobe Illustrator. A few of the topics you'll find inside are: *Modelling shapes with color blends *Building and using masks *Turning a package layout into 3D mockup *Blending from one shape to another *Drawing 3-dimensional buttons *Fitting type to a curve *Designing letterforms *Creating custom line styles *Trapping illustrations *Using the step-and-repeat technique for efficiency *Constructing a color palette *Incorporating bitmapped artwork *Simulating transparency. 020140723XB04062001
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