
Learning Java

Patrick Niemeyer & Jonathan Knudsen

(The Java series)

O'Reilly, 2000


Includes index.



Whether you're just migrating to Java or working steadily in the forefront of Java development, "Learning Java" gives a clear, systematic overview of the Java 2 Standard Edition. It covers the essentials of hot topics like Swing and JFC; describes new tools for signing applets; and shows you how to write networked clients and servers, servlets, JavaBeans, and state-of-the-art user interfaces. Includes a CD-ROM containing the Java 2 SDK, version 1.3.


Preface. 1. Yet Another Language? Enter Java A Virtual Machine Java Compared with Other Languages Safety of Design Safety of Implementation Application and User-Level Security Java and the World Wide Web Java as a General Application Language A Java Road Map. 2. A First Application HelloJava1 HelloJava2: The Sequel HelloJava3: The Button Strikes! HelloJava4: Netscape's Revenge. 3. Tools of the Trade The Java Interpreter Policy Files The Class Path The Java Compiler Java Archive (JAR) Files. 4. The Java Language Text Encoding Comments Types Statements and Expressions Exceptions Arrays. 5. Objects in Java Classes Methods Object Creation Object Destruction. 6. Relationships Among Classes Subclassing and Inheritance Interfaces Packages and Compilation Units Visibility of Variables and Methods Arrays and the Class Hierarchy Inner Classes. 7. Working with Objects and Classes The Object Class The Class Class Reflection. 8. Threads Introducing Threads Threads in Applets Synchronization Scheduling and Priority Thread Groups. 9. Basic Utility Classes Strings Math Utilities Dates Timers Collections Properties The Security Manager Internationalization. 10. Input/Output Facilities Streams Files Serialization Data Compression. 11. Network Programming with Sockets and RMI Sockets Datagram Sockets Simple Serialized Object Protocols Remote Method Invocation (RMI). 12. Programming for the Web Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) The URL Class Web Browsers and Handlers Talking to CGI Programs and Servlets Implementing Servlets 13. Swing Components Containers Events Event Summary Multithreading in Swing. 14. Using Swing Components Buttons and Labels Checkboxes and Radio Buttons Lists and Combo Boxes Borders Menus The PopupMenu Class The JScrollPane Class The JSplitPane Class The JTabbedPane Class Scrollbars and Sliders Dialogs 15. More Swing Components Text Components Trees Tables Desktops Pluggable Look-and-Feel Creating Custom Components. 16. Layout Managers FlowLayout GridLayout BorderLayout BoxLayout CardLayout GridBagLayout Nonstandard Layout Managers Absolute Positioning. 17. Drawing with the 2D API The Big Picture The Rendering Pipeline A Quick Tour of Java 2D Filling Shapes Stroking Shape Outlines Using Fonts Displaying Images Using Drawing Techniques Printing. 18. Working with Images and Other Media Implementing an ImageObserver Using a MediaTracker Producing Image Data Filtering Image Data Working with Audio Working with Movies. 19. Java Beans What's a Bean? Building Beans Hand-Coding with Beans Putting Reflection to Work BeanContext and BeanContextServices The Java Activation Framework Enterprise JavaBeans. 20. Applets The JApplet Class The APPLET Tag Using the Java Plug-in Using Digital Signatures A. Content and Protocol Handlers B. BeanShell: Simple Java Scripting Glossary Index

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  • ISBN
    • 1565927184
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Cambridge, Mass
  • ページ数/冊数
    xvi, 706 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm.
  • 付属資料
    1 computer optical laser disc
  • 親書誌ID