Gutenberg digital : Göttinger Gutenberg-Bible, Musterbuch und Helmaspergersches Notariatsinstrument Gutenberg digital : the Göttingen Gutenberg Bible, model book and Helmasperger's notarial instrument
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Gutenberg digital : Göttinger Gutenberg-Bible, Musterbuch und Helmaspergersches Notariatsinstrument = Gutenberg digital : the Göttingen Gutenberg Bible, model book and Helmasperger's notarial instrument
K.G. Saur Verlag, c2000
Computer File
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Gutenberg digital : the Göttinger Gutenberg Bible, model book and Helmasperger's notarial instrument
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Doshisha University Library (Imadegawa)
Disk 1ZRM193;M9210;110;0210503587,
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CD-ROM 1: The complete Göttingen Gutenberg Bible with a total of 1282 facsimile pages
CD-ROM 2: Göttingen model book (12 double pages); Helmasperger's Natarial Instrument; numerious enlargements of the Gutenberg Bible, especially from the 86 illuminated pages, and numerous well-kown passages from the Bible