Syria and the new world order


Syria and the new world order

Neil Quilliam

(Durham Middle East monographs)

Ithaca press, c1999

1st ed.



The advent of the New World Order has challenged Syria's role in the Middle East. Traditionally viewed as a pariah state and a Soviet satellite, Syria's future looked uncertain as the balance of world power moved out of Soviet into US control, causing the withdrawal of Soviet support and threatening Syria's quest for regional hegemony. Syria, however, has been able to adapt to the transformation in the world order. Dr Quilliam maintains that Syrian foreign policy has been determined by both domestic politics and international political realities. He begins by defining Syria in terms of its domestic conditions: its geography (both physical and political), natural resources, history, population and economy. He then discusses the governing system of the country, detailing the different political parties and how the system actually functions in Syria. Moving to the international political system, the author then expands upon the regional balance of power and Syria's relations with its neighbours. Following a rational and pragmatic policy, the Syrian state was compelled to realign itself with the US-led world order, in a renewed attempt to pursue regional hegemony. It was able to do this by joining the US-led coalition forces in the liberation of Kuwait in 1990/91 and was rewarded with a place in the postwar regional order and a central role in the Madrid Peace Conference.


  • The tools of analysis
  • Syria - the components of power
  • Syria - the centres of power
  • the regional balance of power
  • Syria and the Gulf War
  • adjusting to the new world order
  • Syria and the peace process.

「Nielsen BookData」 より

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示
  • ISBN
    • 0863722490
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    x, 292 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID