The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language


The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language

edited by Hermann Oldenberg

Williams and Norgate, 1879-1883


Tipiṭaka. Vinayapiṭaka

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1


関連文献: 10件中  1-10を表示

  • The Parivâra

    Williams and Norgate 1883 The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language / edited by Hermann Oldenberg vol. 5


  • End of the Mahâvibhan̄ga, Bhikkhunîvibhan̄ga

    In-house reproduction The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language / edited by Hermann Oldenberg vol. 4 . The Suttavibhan̄ga ; 2nd pt.


  • End of the Mahâvibhan̄ga, Bhikkhunîvibhan̄ga

    Williams and Norgate 1882 The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language / edited by Hermann Oldenberg vol. 4 . The Suttavibhan̄ga ; 2nd pt.


  • Pârâjika, Saṃghâdisesa, Aniyata, Nissaggiya

    In-house reproduction The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language / edited by Hermann Oldenberg vol. 3 . The Suttavibhan̄ga ; 1st pt.


  • Pârâjika, Saṃghâdisesa, Aniyata, Nissaggiya

    Williams and Norgate 1881 The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language / edited by Hermann Oldenberg vol. 3 . The Suttavibhan̄ga ; 1st pt.


  • The Cullavagga

    In-house reproduction The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language / edited by Hermann Oldenberg v. 2


  • The Cullavagga

    In-house reproduction The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language / edited by Hermann Oldenberg vol. 2

    [1] , [2] , [3]


  • The Cullavagga

    Williams and Norgate 1880 The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language / edited by Hermann Oldenberg vol. 2


  • The Mahâvagga

    In-house reproduction The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language / edited by Hermann Oldenberg v. 1


  • The Mahâvagga

    Williams and Norgate 1879 The Vinaya piṭakaṃ : one of the principal Buddhist holy scriptures in the Pâli language / edited by Hermann Oldenberg vol. 1


