The Muslim East : studies in honour of Julius Germanus


The Muslim East : studies in honour of Julius Germanus

edited by Gy. Káldy-Nagy

Loránd Eötvös University, 1974


English, French, German, or Turkish

Bibliography of the works of Prof. Julius Germanus / G. Dávid: p. 253-264

Includes bibliographical references

  • Julius Germanus / Gy. Káldy-Nagy
  • Die Oriental[i]stik in Ungarn, 1938 / J. Németh
  • Al-Biruni in Deutschland / H.R. Roemer
  • The men of the Ukhdûd (Sura 85) / W. Montgomery Watt
  • War der Name Balaam gebräuchlich bei den Juden? / A. Scheiber
  • Die Namen der slawischen Völker in den Werken der frühmittelalterlichen arabischen Schriftsteller / T. Lewiczki
  • Les contacts entre Hongrois et musulmans aux IXe-XIIe siècles / G. Székely
  • Molla Gürânî ve pâdîşaha sunduğu yazilar / M. Tayyib Gökbilgin
  • Malhamat Daniyal / A. Fodor
  • Anthorponymes turcs mahométans / Z. Kakuk
  • Hungarian history in Islamic miniature painting / G. Fehér Jr.
  • The question of school and master in the study of the history of Islamic architecture in Hungary / Gy. Gero
  • Beginnings of the Arabic-letter printing in the Islamic world / Gy. Káldy-Nagy
  • Local poets in Qâjâr-Tazkeres : a study on the Safinat ul-Mahmud of the Hungarian Academy Library in Budapest / É. Apor
  • Historical evidence for the movement of people in Iran / R.N. Frye
  • Islamic culture -- Indian culture / V. Gáthy