International law concerning child civilians in armed conflict


International law concerning child civilians in armed conflict

Jenny Kuper

(Clarendon paperbacks)

Clarendon Press, 1997

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references and index



Each year, many thousands of child civilians are killed, injured, or otherwise physically and psychologically harmed as a result of armed conflicts. There is a considerable body of international law which aims to minimize the harm inflicted on these children, and yet it is little known, or observed. This text focuses exclusively on child civilians. It addresses three main questions: what are the precise rules incorporated in the pertinent body of law, and what are its implementation mechanisms?; how effective is it (with reference to recent conflicts involving Iraq) in helping to achieve some protection for child civilians?; and can it be rendered more effective? The book concludes by proposing a number of strategies to strengthen the impact of the applicable law.


  • International Human Rights Treaty Law and related instruments relevant to child civilians in armed conflict
  • Treaty Law of Armed Conflict and related instruments - the protection of civilians and use of chemical weapons
  • Treaty Law of Armed Conflict and related instruments specifically regarding child civilians
  • Customary Law
  • monitoring, implementation, and enforcement of international law concerning child civilians
  • the law in practice - three conflicts
  • conclusion
  • table of legislation
  • table of cases.

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