Desk handbook phase diagrams for binary alloys
Desk handbook phase diagrams for binary alloys
ASM International, 2000
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Get the phase diagram information you need at a price you can afford. Key Features: Peer reviewed by the Japanese Committee for Alloy Phase Diagrams. Updated through April 2000. Total number of diagrams = 2,332 (605 are new of greatly revised diagrams; among these 171 are not in Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd Edition). Approximately 600 crystal structure tables of systems for which phase diagrams are unknown. You've been asking for a simple book containing just binary phase diagrams and crystal structure data. Desk Handbook: Phase Diagrams for Binary Alloys meets this need, and it presents the most current information. Updates the previous print compilation of binary phase diagrams by 10 years. Presents diagrams in consistent size. Shows the principal axis in atomic per cent, with a secondary axis in weight per cent. Includes an introductory article on phase diagrams and their use. Gives reference to the original literature source. This volume is the latest outgrowth of the phase diagram activity in which ASM International has been involved since 1978.
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