The silicon boys and their valley of dreams


The silicon boys and their valley of dreams

David A. Kaplan

Perennial, 2000, c1999

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



"First Perennial edition published 2000"--T.p. verso

Includes bibliographical references (p. 339-342) and index



In "the best book to date on the subject" (San Francisco Chronicle), prize-winning journalist David A. Kaplan brings to life the culture and history of Silicon Valley. The symbol of high-tech genius and ineffable wealth, a place that competes with Hollywood and Washington in the zeitgeist of success and excess, the Valley is the epicenter of the New Economy. Depending on yesterday's stock market close, roughly a quartermillion Siliconillionaires live in the Valley. And they're building megalo-mansions and buying Lamborghinis as fast as they can. Combining reportorial insight and biting wit, The Silicon Boys tells the unforgettable story of dreams and greed, ambition and luck, that has become the Valley of the Dollars.

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