Who are we now? : christian humanism and the global market from Hegel to Heaney


Who are we now? : christian humanism and the global market from Hegel to Heaney

Nicholas Boyle

T&T Clark, c1998

  • pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



Theology can no longer exist in isolation from politics, philosophy and literature. This is Nicholas Boyle's basis for an examination of personal and cultural identity in today's world. His exploration of the global mind reveals the continuing importance of a Christian perspective in a secular world. He shows that modern trends towards greater diversity and pluralism and simultaneous trends towards greater unification can be reconciled within the Catholic humanist tradition of theology, philosophy and literature. He identifies Postmodernism as 'the pessimism of an obsolescent class - the salaried official intelligentsia - whose fate is closely bound up with that of the declining nation-state'. In this brilliant book, Dr Boyle gives new grounds for optimism about the emerging new world order


I At the Turn of Times Understanding Thatcherism After Thatcherism: Who Are We Now? After History: Faith in the Future After the Empires: 1789-1989 II The Politics of Post-Modernism Understanding Germany After Enlightenment: Hegel, Post-Modernism and the State Martin Heidegger and the Treason of the Clerks Crossing the Line? Heidegger and the Post-Modern University III Literature and Identity After Realism: Nietzsche and the 'Middle Mode of Discourse' The Idea of Christian Poetry

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