Rhetorical invention and religious inquiry : new perspectives


Rhetorical invention and religious inquiry : new perspectives

edited by Walter Jost and Wendy Olmsted

Yale University Press, 2000

  • (hardcover : alk. pap
  • pbk. : alk. paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



(hardcover : alk. pap ISBN 9780300080568


This collection of writings offers a discussion among leading thinkers about the points at which rhetoric and religion illuminate and challenge each other. The contributors are theorists and critics in rhetoric, theology and religion, and they address a variety of problems and periods.

pbk. : alk. paper ISBN 9780300080575


This exceptional collection of writings offers for the first time a discussion among leading thinkers about the points at which rhetoric and religion illuminate and challenge each other. The contributors to the volume are eminent theorists and critics in rhetoric, theology, and religion, and they address a variety of problems and periods. Together these writings shed light on religion as a human quest and rhetoric as the origin and sustainer of that quest. They show that when pursued with intelligence and sensitivity, rhetorical approaches to religion are capable of revitalizing both language and experience. Rhetorical figures, for example, constitute forms of language that say what cannot be said in any other way, and that move individuals toward religious truths that cannot be known in any other way. When firmly placed within religious, social, and literary history, the convergence of rhetoric and religion brings into focus crucial issues in several fields-including philosophy, psychology, history, and art-and interprets relations among self, language, and world that are central to both past and present cultures.

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