Glass art from UrbanGlass
Bibliographic Information
Glass art from UrbanGlass
(A Schiffer art book)
Schiffer, c2000
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Description and Table of Contents
The worldwide Studio Glass Movement has stimulated a fresh look at the ancient material by sparking dramatic developments in its use as a vehicle for making contemporary sculpture. In the last 20 years, an incredibly diverse group of important artists and designers have been associated with UrbanGlass: New York Center for Contemporary Glass, influencing the character and shape of the Studio Glass Movement in many different, and sometimes profound ways. This gorgeous volume documents the work of 173 of these artists and designers in over 500 lush color pictures, and celebrates their achievements in art and design using the most exciting art medium being explored today. This book illustrates glass in its full expressive range and suggests exciting future possibilities. An authoritative text by prominent curators, critics, and writers round out this definitive survey.
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