The military experience in the age of reason


The military experience in the age of reason

Christopher Duffy

(Wordsworth military library)

Wordsworth Editions, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 327-339) and index

First published in 1987 by Routledge & Kegan Paul



War in the 18th century was a bloody business. A line of infantry would slowly march, to the beat of a drum, into a hail of enemy fire. Whole ranks would be wiped out by cannon fire and musketry. Christopher Duffy's investigates the brutalities of the battlefield and also traces the lives of the officer to the soldier from the formative conditions of their earliest years to their violent deaths or retirement, and shows that, below their well-ordered exteriors, the armies of the Age of Reason underwent a revolutionary change from medieval to modern structures and ways of thinking.

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