Transboundary environmental problems and cultural theory : the protection of the Rhine and the Great Lakes
Transboundary environmental problems and cultural theory : the protection of the Rhine and the Great Lakes
Palgrave, 2000
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全12件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
In this book, Marco Verweij presents a new and challenging theoretical framework with which to understand international relations, based on the cultural theory developed by Mary Douglas, Michael Thompson, Aaron Wildavsky and others. By applying this framework in a detailed study of the environmental protection of the River Rhine in Western Europe and the Great Lakes of North America, he also contributes to a better understanding of how transboundary environmental problems have been, and can be, solved.
List of Figures and Tables Acknowledgements Foreword by Mary Douglas Introduction PART I: THEORY Grid-Group Theory and the Study of International Relations Regimes, Institutions and Four Cultures PART II: CULTURES MATTER A Watershed on the Rhine Who Has Cleaned the Rhine? PART III: INSTITUTIONS MATTER AS WELL Why is the Rhine Cleaner than the Great Lakes? Conclusion: Cultures and Institutions Both Matter in Transboundary Relations Appendices Endnotes Index
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