Bad samaritans : First World ethics and Third World debt
Bad samaritans : First World ethics and Third World debt
Hodder & Stoughton, 1990
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes index
A discussion of First World ethics and Third World debt. The responsiblity of Christians is clearly involved; we cannot plead ignorance of the way international finance operates when Christ's statements of our responsibility to our neighbour are so clear. Vallely exposes how complex financial structures involving national banks and the International Monetary Fund are used, often wilfully, to disguise the true nature of our exploitation of the Third World. By recovering a biblical sense of justice, each of us can take practical steps to re-adjust the situation by changing our personal lifestyles, the nature of the Church and becoming involved in 'prophetic resistance'. Global change, lesser exploitation and more just relationships will only be achieved at the cost of lower standards of living. Like the Good Samaritan, are those of us with two coats prepared to give one away? The West's past record would suggest not.
- Ethiopia - the eyes of the dying
- principalities and powers
- debt and delusion
- adjustment and anger
- the Bible on wealth and debt
- towards a theology of debt
- remission or default.
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