Early modern Italy : a social history


Early modern Italy : a social history

Christopher F. Black

(A social history of Europe)

Routledge, 2001

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Includes bibliographical references and index



Early Modern Italy is a fascinating survey of society in Italy from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries - the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. Covering the whole of the Peninsula from the Venetian Republic, to Florence, through to Naples it shows how the huge economic, cultural and social divides of the period still affect the stability of present day united Italy. This is an essential guide to one of the most vibrant yet tempestuous periods of Italian history.


  • 1 Disunited Italy Unity and disunity
  • The chronology and developments of early modern Italy 2 Geography and demography 3 The changing rural and urban economies 4 The land and rural society 5 The urban environment 6 Urban society 7 The family and household 8 The social elites 9 Social groupings and loyalties 10 Parochial society 11 Social tensions, control and amelioration Social amelioration 12 Epilogue

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