Bibliographic Information

Economic policy : a European forum

senior editors, Georges de Ménil, Richard Portes, Hans-Werner Sinn ; managing editors, David Begg, Charles Wyplosz, Klaus F. Zimmermann

Published in association with the European Economic Association [by] Blackwell for Centre for Economic Policy Research, Centre for Economic Studies of the University of Munich, and Département et laboratoire d'economie théorique et appliqueé (DELTA), c1997-

  • 24, Apr. 1997
  • 27, Oct. 1998
  • 29, Oct. 1999
  • 33, Oct. 2001
  • 34, Apr. 2002
  • 35, Oct. 2002
  • 36, Apr. 2003
  • 39, Jul. 2004
  • 40, Oct. 2004
  • 41, Jan. 2005
  • 43, Jul. 2005
  • 45, Jun. 2006
  • 57, Jan. 2009
  • 59, Jul. 2009
  • 62, Apr. 2010
  • 63, Jul. 2010
  • 66, Apr. 2011
  • 72, Oct. 2012

Search this Book/Journal

Description based on: 24, Apr. 1997

Title of 57, 59, Jul. 2009, v. 62, 63, 66, 72: Economic Policy

Managing editors of v. 27, 29: David Begg, Kai Konrad, Charles Wyplosz; of v. 33: Richard Baldwin ... [et al.]; of v. 34-36, 39-41,43: Richard Baldwin, Giuseppe Bertola, Paul Seabright; of v. 57: Giuseppe Bertola ... [et al.]; of v. 59, 62, 63: Tullio Jappelli ... [et al.]; of v. 72: Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln ... [et al.]

Published in collaboration with the Maison des sciences de l'homme

Publisher of v. 43: Published in association with the European Economic Assosiation, Blackwell for Centre for Economic Policy Research, Centre for Economic Studies of the University of Munich, and Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques, in collaboration with the Maison des sciences de l'homme

Publisher of v. 57, 59, 62, 63, 66: Published in association with the European Economic Assosiation, Blackwell for Centre for Economic Policy Research, Centre for Economic Studies of the University of Munich, and Paris School of Economics, in collaboration with the Maison des sciences Economiques

Publisher of v. 72: Published in association with the European Economic Assosiation, Blackwell for Centre for Economic Policy Research, Centre for Economic Studies of the University of Munich, and Paris School of Economics

62, Apr. 2010: Crisis issue

Includes bibliographical references

Description and Table of Contents

24, Apr. 1997 ISBN 9780631204756


Economic Policy is the premier European review of analysis of economic affairs.

Table of Contents

1. Soft versus Hard Targets for Exchange Rate Intervention: Leonardo Bartolini (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) and Alessandro Prati (IMF). 2. ERM Bandwidths for EMU and After: Evidence from Foreign Exchange Options: Jose M. Campa, P.H. Kevin Chang, and Robert L. Reider. 3. Reforming Corporate Governance: Corporate Agenda: Erik Berglof (ECARE, Universite Libre de Bruxelles). 4. Costs and Benefits of Eastern Enlargement: The Impact on the EU and Central Europe: Richard E. Baldwin (Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva), Joseph Francois (World Trade Organization, Geneva) and Richard Portes (Centre for Economic Policy Research, London). 5. Foreign Direct Investment, Political Resentment and the Privatization Process in Eastern Europe: Hans--Werner Sinn and Alfons J Weichenrieder.

27, Oct. 1998 ISBN 9780631211778


It identifies current and emerging policy topics early and discusses key international issues when they matter.

Table of Contents

1. The Economic Analysis of Lotteries: Ian Walker. 2. European Technology Policy: Jonathan Eaton, Eva Gutierrez and Samuel Kortum. 3. The Economics of a 1992a : Chris Allen, Michael Gasiorek, Alasdair Smith. 4. The Public Policy Implications of Increasing Retailer Power: Paul W. Dobson and Michael Waterson. 5. EMU: Capital Market Integration and the Real Output Effect: Georges de Menil. 6. Tales of Fiscal Adjustment: Alberto Alesina and Silvia Ardagna.

29, Oct. 1999 ISBN 9780631218098


For the past 11 years Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Editor's introduction. 2. One money, one market: the effect of common currencies on trade: A.K. Rose (University of California, Berkeley and CEPR). 3. Unemployment, growth and taxation in industrial countries: F. Daveri and G. Tabellini (University of Parma and IGIER
  • Department of Economics and IGIER, Bocconi University, CEPR and CES-ifo). 4. Labour market implications of EU product market integration: T.M. Anderson, N. Haldrup and J.R. Sorenson (University of Aarhus, EPRU and CEPR
  • University of Aarhus
  • University of Aarhus). 5. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom: a European unemployment miracle? S. Nickell and J. van Ours (Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and CEPR
  • Center for Economic Research, Department of Economics, Tilburg University, Institute for Labour Studies (OSA) and CEPR). 6. Economic reforms and labour markets: policy issues and lessons from Chile: S. Edwards and A.C. Edwards (University of California, Los Angeles and National Bureau of Economic Research
  • California State University, Long Beach).

33, Oct. 2001 ISBN 9780631231660


Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early. It discusses key international issues when they matter and is invaluable for keeping track of important topics.Economic Policy gives you hot topics, from the experts. Papers are specially commissioned from first--class economists and experts in the policy field. The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists. Their discussions are published at the end of each paper. This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence.

Table of Contents

1. Some Simple Economics of GM Food: Ditmar Harhoff (University of Munich), Pierre Regibeau (University of Essex) and Katharine Rockett (University of Essex). 2. Should we Beware of the Precautionary Principle? Christian Gollier (University of Toulouse). 3. The Political Economy of Direct Legislation: Direct Democracy and Local Decision--Making: Lars P. Feld (University of St. Gallen) and Gebhard Kirchgassner (University of St. Gallen and Swiss Institute of International Economics and Applied Economic Research). 4. Monetary Policy Implementation and Transmission in the European Monetary Union: Ilian Mihov (INSEAD, Fontainebleau). 5. International Bailouts, Moral Hazard and Conditionality: Olivier Jeanne (International Monetary Fund) Jeromin Zettelmeyer (International Monetary Fund). 6. Currency Unions and Trade: How Large is the Treatment Effect? Torsten Perrson (Stockholm University and London School of Economics). 7. Currency Unons and Trade: the Efect is Large: Andrew Rose (University of California, Berkeley).

34, Apr. 2002 ISBN 9780631235705


Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early. It discusses key international issues when they matter and is invaluable for keeping track of important topics.Economic Policy gives you hot topics, from the experts. Papers are specially commissioned from first--class economists and experts in the policy field. The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists. Their discussions are published at the end of each paper. This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence.

Table of Contents

Editors' introduction. Public employment and labour market performance (Yann Algan, Pierre Cahuc and Andre Zylberberg). Anatomy of employment growth (Pietro Garibaldi and Paolo Mauro). Unemployment clusters across Europe's regions and countries (Henry G. Overman and Diego Puga). How has the euro changed the foreign exchange market? (Harald Hau, William Killeen and Michael Moore). The challenges facing currency usage: will the traditional transaction medium be able to resist competition from the new technologies? (Mathias Drehmann, Charles Goodhart and Malte Krueger). Venture capital in Europe and the financing of innovative companies (Laura Bottazzi and Marco Da Rin)

35, Oct. 2002 ISBN 9781405105378


Economic Policy is written for all those with an informed interest in economic policy problems. All articles are submitted to rigorous scrutiny by a panel of distinguished economists from around the world, resulting in a volume of authoritative and accessible articles, each followed by the comments of panel members. * Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early. * Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field. * The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists. * This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence.

Table of Contents

1. Editors' Introduction. 2. More power to the European parliament?: Abdul G. Noury and Gerard Roland. 3. Delocation and European integration: is structural spending justified?: Karen Helene Midelfart-Knarvik and Henry G. Overman. 4. Unions and labour market instititutions in Europe: Daniele Checchi and Claudio Lucifora. 5. Can training and employment subsidies combat European unemployment?: Jochen Kluve and Christoph M. Schmidt. 6. Corporate income tax reforms and international tax competition: Michael P. Devereux, Rachel Griffith and Alexander Klemm. 7. A European VAT on financial services?: Harry Huizinga. 8. Analysis of spreads in the dollar/euro and deutchemark/dollar foreign exchange markets: Charles Goodhart, Ryan Love, Richard Payne and Dagfinn Rime. 9. Features of the euro's role in international financial markets: Carsten Detken and Philipp Hartmann. 10. Theoretical perspective on euro liquidity: Richard K. Lyons.

36, Apr. 2003 ISBN 9781405108799


Economic Policy is written for all those with an informed interest in economic policy problems. All articles are submitted to rigorous scrutiny by a panel of distinguished economists from around the world, resulting in a volume of authoritative and accessible articles, each followed by the comments of panel members. * Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early. * Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field. * The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists. * This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence.

Table of Contents

Editors' Introduction. 1. Regulation, Productivity And Growth: OECD Evidence: Giuseppe Nicoletti And Stefano Scarpetta. Discussants: Philip R. Lane. Panel Discussion And Appendixes. 2.Economic Aspects Of Human Cloning And Reprogenetics: Gilles Saint-Paul. Discussants: Juan D. Carrillo And Carol Propper. Panel Discussion. 3. Household Stockholding In Europe: Where Do We Stand And Where Do We Go?: Luigi Guiso, Michael Haliassos And Tullio Japelli. Discussants: Stijn Claessens. Panel Discussion. 4. European Takeover Regulation: Erik Berglof And Mike Burkart. Discussants: Tito Boeri And Julian Franks. Panel Discussion. 5. Awarding Telecom Licences: The Recent European Experience: Tilman Borgers And Christian Dustmann. Discussants: Juan Carillo And Marcel Thum. Panel Discussion. 6. An Economic Perspective On Auctions: Philippe Jehiel And Benny Moldovanu. Discussants: Marco Ottaviani And Carol Propper

39, Jul. 2004 ISBN 9781405119207


Economic Policy is written for all those with an informed interest in economic policy problems. All articles are submitted to rigorous scrutiny by a panel of distinguished economists from around the world, resulting in a volume of authoritative and accessible articles, each followed by the comments of panel members. * Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early. * Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field. * The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists. * This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence.

Table of Contents

Editors' Introduction. 1. What Determines EU Decision Making? Needs, Power or Both?: Heikki Kauppi and Mika Widgren. 2. Are Contributuions to Public Pension Programmes a Tax on Employment?: Richard Disney. 3. Budgetary Risks from Real Estate and Stock Markets: Felix Eschenbach and Ludger Schuknecht. 4. European Product Market Integration After the Euro: Charles Engel and John H. Rogers.

40, Oct. 2004 ISBN 9781405119290


Economic Policy is written for all those with an informed interest in economic policy problems. All articles are submitted to rigorous scrutiny by a panel of distinguished economists from around the world, resulting in a volume of authoritative and accessible articles, each followed by the comments of panel members. * Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early. * Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field. * The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists. * This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence. * Economic Policy is increasing to 3 issues a year in 2004 and 4 in 2005.

Table of Contents

Editors' Introduction. 1. The Two Pillars of the European Central Bank: Stefan Gerlach. 2. Obstacles to Disinflation: What is the ROlw of Fiscal Expectations?: Oya Celasun, R Gaston Gelos and Alessandro Prati. 3. Cross-country Price Dispersion in the Euro Era: A Case Study of the European Car Market: Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg and Frank Verboven. 4. Financial Market Integration and Economic Growth in the EU: Luigi Guiso, Tullio Jappelli, Mario Padula and Marco Pagano.

41, Jan. 2005 ISBN 9781405126861


Economic Policy is written for all those with an informed interest in economic policy problems. All articles are submitted to rigorous scrutiny by a panel of distinguished economists from around the world, resulting in a volume of authoritative and accessible articles, each followed by the comments of panel members. * Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early. * Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field. * The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists. * This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence.

Table of Contents

Editors' Introduction. 1. Marketization of Household Production and the EU-US Gap in Work: Richard B. Freeman and Ronald Schettkat. 2. Determinants and Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence From German Firm-Level Data: Claudia M. Buch, Jorn Kleinert, Alexander Lipponer and Farid Toubal. 3. Television in a Digital Age: What Role for Public Service Broudcasting?: Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap. 4. The Transition to Digital Television: Jerome Adda and Marco Ottaviani.

43, Jul. 2005 ISBN 9781405129848


Economic Policy is written for all those with an informed interest in economic policy problems. All articles are submitted to rigorous scrutiny by a panel of distinguished economists from around the world, resulting in a volume of authoritative and accessible articles, each followed by the comments of panel members. * Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early. * Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field. * The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists. * This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence. * Economic Policy increases to 4 issues in 2005.

Table of Contents

Editors' introduction. Securitization of taxes implicit in PAYG pensions: Salvador Valdes-Prieto. Capital quality improvement and the sources of economic growth in the euro area: Plutarchos Sakellaris, Focco Vijselaar. Fear of service outsourcing: is it justified?: Mary Amiti and Shang-Jin Wei. Trade liberalization in the Doha Development Round:Joseph Francois, Hans van Meijl and Frank van Tongeren.

45, Jun. 2006 ISBN 9781405136860


Economic Policy is written for all those with an informed interest in economic policy problems. All articles are submitted to rigorous scrutiny by a panel of distinguished economists from around the world, resulting in a volume of authoritative and accessible articles, each followed by the comments of panel members. * Top economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. * They examine the key issues pertinent to the multinational trading system, as well as regional trade arrangements and policy developments at the national level. * Provides up--to--date assessments of the World Trade Organization's current Trade Policy Reviews. * Economic Policy is written for all those with an informed interest in economic policy problems.

Table of Contents

Editors' Introduction. European unemployment: the evolution of facts and ideas (Olivier Blanchard). Financial dollarization: evaluating the consequences (Eduardo Levy Yeyati). Evaluation of currency regimes: the unique role of sudden stops (Assaf Razin and Yona Rubinstein). International competition in corporate taxation: evidence from the OECD time series (Kenneth Steward and Michael Webb)

57, Jan. 2009 ISBN 9781405189163


Top economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence

Table of Contents

1. Editors' introduction. 2. The euro and the competitiveness of European firms: Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano, Daria Taglioni and Filippo di Mauro. 3. Cross-border mergers and acquisitions and European integration: Nicolas Coeurdacier, Roberto A. De Santis and Antonin Aviat. 4. Household debt repayment behaviour: what role do institutions play?: Burcu Duygan-Bump and Charles Grant. 5. Regional inflation dynamics within and across euro area countries and a comparison with the United States: Guenter W. Beck, Kirstin Hubrich and Massimiliano Marcellino.

59, Jul. 2009 ISBN 9781405189187


Top economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence

Table of Contents

Editors' Introduction. 1. Beyond Eurosclerosis (Tito Boeri, Universita Bocconi and Pietro Garibaldi, Universita di Torino). 2. Ageing and unused capacity in Europe: is there an early retirement trap? (Viola Angelini, University of Padua, Agar Brugiavini, University of Venice and Guglielmo Weber, University of Padua). 3. Elections and economic policy in developing countries (Lisa Chauvet IRD, DIAL, Paris and Paul Collier University of Oxford). 4. The rise of obesity in Europe: an economic perspective (Giorgio Brunello Universita di Padova Pierre-Carl Michaud RAND and Anna Sanz-de-Galdeano Universitat de Girona). 5. Erratum. Index.

62, Apr. 2010 ISBN 9781405197007


Crisis Issue: The papers in this title have been written in response to the global financial and economic crisis that has been ongoing since Summer 2007. Top economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence

Table of Contents

Financial Crisis Issue: Introduction. 1. From Great Depression to Great Credit Crisis: Similarities, Differences and Lessons (Miguel Almunia, Agustin Benetrix, Barry Eichengreen, Kevin H. O'Rourke and Gisela Rua). 2. Cross-country Experiences and Policy Implications from the Global Financial Crisis (Stijn Claessens, Giovanni Dell'Ariccia, Deniz Igan and Luc Laeven). 3. Monetary Policy in Exceptional Times (Michele Lenza, Huw Pill and Lucrezia Reichlin). 4. Banking Crisis Management in the EU: an Early Assessment (Jean Pisani-Ferry and Andre Sapir). 5. Post-Crisis Challenges to Bank Regulation (Xavier Freixas). 6. Credit Ratings Failures and Policy Options (Marco Pagano and Paolo Volpin).

63, Jul. 2010 ISBN 9781405197014


Top economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. * Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early * Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field * The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists * This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence

Table of Contents

Editors' introduction 1. Monetary policy and financial imbalances: facts and fiction (Katrin Assenmacher-Wesche and Stefan Gerlach) 2. Disability, capacity for work and the business cycle: an international perspective (Hugo Benitez-Silva, Richard Disney and Sergi Jimenez-Martin) 3. Corporate tax harmonization in the EU (Leon Bettendorf, Michael P. Devereux, Albert van der Horst, Simon Loretz and Ruud A. de Mooij) Index.

66, Apr. 2011 ISBN 9781444338706


Top economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. * Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early * Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field * The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists * This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence

Table of Contents

Editors' Introduction 1. The Bank Lending Channel: Lessons From The Crisis (Leonardo Gambacorta and David Marques-Ibanez) 2. Lessons From A Collapse Of A Financial System (Sigridur Benediktsdottir, Jon Danielsson and Gylfi Zoega) 3. Monetary Policy And The Global Housing Bubble (Jane Dokko, Brian M. Doyle, Michael T. Kiley, Jinill Kim, Shane Sherlund, Jae Sim and Skander Van Den Heuvel) 4. The Great Retrenchment: International Capital Flows During The Global Financial Crisis (Gian-Maria Milesi-Ferretti and Cedric Tille)

72, Oct. 2012 ISBN 9781444350999


Top economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. * Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early * Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field * The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists * This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence

Table of Contents

Editors' Introduction 1. What determines government spending multipliers? (Giancarlo Corsetti, Andre Meier and Gernot J. Muller) 2. Comparative advantage and the welfare impact of European integration (Andrei A. Levchenko and Jing Zhang) 3. Recapitalization, credit and liquidity (Mike Mariathasan and Ouarda Merrouche) 4. How housing slumps end (Agustin S. Benetrix, Barry Eichengreen and Kevin H. O'Rourke)

by "Nielsen BookData"

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    • 9781405197007
    • 9781405197014
    • 9781444338706
    • 9781444350999
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  • Size
    25 cm
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