Monteverdi and his contemporaries


Monteverdi and his contemporaries

Tim Carter

(Variorum collected studies series)

Ashgate, c2000

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes index



This collection of reprinted essays takes the trends of the author's Music, Patronage and Printing in Late Renaissance Florence (also in the 'Variorum' series) in a somewhat different direction. If the focus there was primarily on archival documents, here it is on the actual music. The starting-point is similar - the rise of the 'new music' for solo voice and basso continuo in late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century Florence, in particular the songs of Giulio Caccini. But it moves on to broader aesthetic issues crystallized in contemporary theoretical debate and musical practice - not least the rise of aria-based styles - and concludes with a series of studies of Claudio Monteverdi's works for the theatre, including the operas Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (1640) and the ever-problematic L'incoronazione di Poppea (1643).


  • Contents: Introduction
  • Music publishing in Italy, c.1580-c.1625: some preliminary observations
  • On the composition and performance of Caccini's Le nuove musiche (1602)
  • Caccini's Amarilli, mia bella: some questions (and a few answers)
  • New songs for old? Guarini and the monody
  • 'An air new and grateful to the ear': the concept of aria in late Renaissance and early Baroque Italy
  • Artusi, Monteverdi, and the poetics of modern music
  • 'Sfogava con le stelle' reconsidered: some thoughts on the analysis of Monteverdi's Mantuan Madrigals
  • Resemblance and representation: towards a new aesthetic in the music of Monteverdi
  • Possente spirto: on taming the power of music
  • Intriguing laments: Sigismondo d'India, Claudio Monteverdi, and Dido alla parmigiana (1628)
  • 'In Love's harmonious consort'? Penelope and the interpretation of Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria
  • Re-reading Poppea: some thoughts on music and meaning in Monteverdi's last opera
  • Index.

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