Living with grief : at work, at school, at worship



Living with grief : at work, at school, at worship

edited by Joyce D. Davidson and Kenneth J. Doka

Hospice Foundation of America , Brunner/Mazel, c1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references (p. [237]-244)



First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.


Contents: Foreword, Jack D. Gordon. Acknowledgments. Introduction: Where We Grieve, Kenneth J. Doka. A Primer on Loss and Grief, Kenneth J. Doka. Living With Grief: At Work. Grief in the Workplace: Supporting the Grieving Employee, Marcia E. Lattanzi-Licht. Grief in the Law Enforcement Workplace: The Police Experience, Michael Kirby. Grief at Work: New Challenges and New Opportunities, Robert Zucker. Programs That Work: Starbucks Coffee Company. Death in the Military Workplace, Bonnie Carroll. AIDS in the Workplace, Veronica Ryan Coleman. When Caregivers Grieve, Paul R. Brenner. Practical Suggestions: At Work. Living With Grief: At School The Grieving Child in the School Environment, Jennie D. Matthews. School as a Resource for HIV-Affected Children and Youth, Carol Levine and Azadeh Khalili. Programs That Work: Calvary Hospital. The Grieving College Student, Robert L. Wrenn. Practical Suggestions: At School. Living With Grief: At Worship. Ministry at the End of Life, Marilyn Barney. Ritual Responses to Death, Paul E. Irion. Programs That Work: Evergreen Community Hospice. The Religious Community in Times of Loss: Strong, Loving, and Wise. Patrick M. Del Zoppo. Practical Suggestions: At Worship. Living With Grief: At Home. Giving and Receiving: Caregiving Communities, Myra MacPherson. Help During Later Life Spousal Bereavement, Dale A. Lund. If I Am not for Myself: Caring for Yourself as a Caregiver for Those Who Grieve, James E. Miller. Resource Organizations. References.

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