The log book of William Adams (1564-1620) and other manuscript and rare printed material from the Bodleian library, Oxford


The log book of William Adams (1564-1620) and other manuscript and rare printed material from the Bodleian library, Oxford

(East meets West : original records of western traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats to 1852, pt. 1)

Adam Matthew Publications, 1998-

  • reel 1
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マイクロ形態(マイクロフィルム (リール))

  • 愛知大学 豊橋図書館

    reel 1M209:E11:10015004985, reel 2M209:E11:20015004994, reel 2AM209:E11:2A0015005008, reel 3M209:E11:30015005017, reel 4M209:E11:40015005026, reel 5M209:E11:50015005035, reel 6M209:E11:60015005044, reel 7M209:E11:70015005053, reel 8M209:E11:80015005062, reel 9M209:E11:90015005071, reel 10M209:E11:100015005080, reel 11M209:E11:110015005099, reel 12M209:E11:120015005106, reel 13M209:E11:130015005115, reel 14M209:E11:140015005124, reel 15M209:E11:150015005133, reel 16M209:E11:160015005142, reel 17M209:E11:170015005151, reel 18M209:E11:180015005160, reel 19M209:E11:190015005179, reel 20M209:E11:200015005188, reel 21M209:E11:210015005197

  • 京都大学 附属図書館

    reel 1YD||1||E2||100083356, reel 2YD||1||E2||200083357, reel 2AYD||1||E2||2A00083358, reel 3YD||1||E2||300083359, reel 4YD||1||E2||400083360, reel 5YD||1||E2||500083361, reel 6YD||1||E2||600083362, reel 7YD||1||E2||700083363, reel 8YD||1||E2||800083364, reel 9YD||1||E2||900083365, reel 10YD||1||E2||1000083366, reel 11YD||1||E2||1100083367, reel 12YD||1||E2||1200083368, reel 13YD||1||E2||1300083369, reel 14YD||1||E2||1400083370, reel 15YD||1||E2||1500083371, reel 16YD||1||E2||1600083372, reel 17YD||1||E2||1700083373, reel 18YD||1||E2||1800083374, reel 19YD||1||E2||1900083375, reel 20YD||1||E2||2000083376, reel 21YD||1||E2||2100083377

  • 国際日本文化研究センター

    reel 100435973, reel 200435974, reel 2A00435975, reel 300435976, reel 400435977, reel 500435978, reel 600435979, reel 700435980, reel 800435981, reel 900435982, reel 1000435983, reel 1100435984, reel 1200435985, reel 1300435986, reel 1400435987, reel 1500435988, reel 1600435989, reel 1700435990, reel 1800435991, reel 1900435992, reel 2000435993, reel 2100435994

  • 同志社大学 図書館

    reel 1ZFM290;E9112;1B;0291003699, reel 2ZFM290;E9112;2B;0291003702, reel 2AZFM290;E9112;2AB;0291003710, reel 3ZFM290;E9112;3B;0291003729, reel 4ZFM290;E9112;4B;0291003737, reel 5ZFM290;E9112;5B;0291003745, reel 6ZFM290;E9112;6B;0291003753, reel 7ZFM290;E9112;7B;0291003761, reel 8ZFM290;E9112;8B;0291003770, reel 9ZFM290;E9112;9B;0291003788, reel 10ZFM290;E9112;10B;0291003796, reel 11ZFM290;E9112;11B;0291003800, reel 12ZFM290;E9112;12B;0291003818, reel 13ZFM290;E9112;13B;0291003826, reel 14ZFM290;E9112;14B;0291003834, reel 15ZFM290;E9112;15B;0291003842, reel 16ZFM290;E9112;16B;0291003850, reel 17ZFM290;E9112;17B;0291003869, reel 18ZFM290;E9112;18B;0291003877, reel 19ZFM290;E9112;19B;0291003885, reel 20ZFM290;E9112;20B;0291003893, reel 21ZFM290;E9112;21B;0291003907, bookZFM290;E9112;S:1B;0291003680

  • 武蔵大学 図書館

    reel 1M||F130, reel 2M||F130, reel 2AM||F130, reel 3M||F130, reel 4M||F130, reel 5M||F130, reel 6M||F130, reel 7M||F130, reel 8M||F130, reel 9M||F130, reel 10M||F130, reel 11M||F130, reel 12M||F130, reel 13M||F130, reel 14M||F130, reel 15M||F130, reel 16M||F130, reel 17M||F130, reel 18M||F130, reel 19M||F130, reel 20M||F130, reel 21M||F130

  • Reel 1. Li livres du graunt Caam, or, The travels of Marco Polo / Marco Polo
  • Theatre de l'vniuers, contenant les cartes de tout le monde : avec une brieve declaration d'icelles / par Abraham Ortelius
  • Reel 2. Rerum, a Societate Iesu in Oriente gestarum ad annum usque à Deipara Virgine M.D. LXVIII, commentarius Emanuelis Acostæ Lusitani, recognitus, & latinitate donatus : accessere de Iaponicis revus epistolarum libri IIII, item recogniti, & in latinum ex Hispanico sermone conversi / Acosta Emanuel
  • Iesus : cartas que os padres e irmãos da Companhia de Iesus escreuerão dos Reynos de Iapão & China aos da mesma Companhia da India, & Europa, des do anno de 1549. atè o de 1580
  • Reel 2A: Lettera del Giapone degli anni 1591, et 1592 : scritta al R.P. Generale della compagnia di giesù : et della Spagnuola nella Italiana lingus / [by L. Frës] ; tradotta dal P.V. Bartolini
  • Relationes de gloriosa morte nouem christianorum Japonensium, qui pro fide Catholica, in regno Fingensi, Saffumano, & Foramdemso occubuerunt...
  • Relation, aufs Befelch Herrn Francisci Teglii, Gubernators, und General Obristens der Philippinischen Inseln, inn welcher kuertzlich angezeigt wirdt, welcher Gestallt sechs geistliche Brüder ausz Hispania, desz Ordens S. Francisci von der Observanz, samt andern 20, von jenen bekehrten Japonesern im Königreich Japon, den 14. März 1597 um des christlichen Glaubens willen seyn gekreuziget worden
  • A briefe relation of the persecution lately made against the Catholike Christians, in the kingdome of Japonia... / Pedro Morejon
  • Reel 3. Historia de las misiones que han hecho los religiosos de la compan̄ia de Iesus, para predicar el sancto Euangelio en la India oriental, y en los Reynos de la China y Japon / escrita por el padre Luis de Guzman
  • Reel 4. Fasciculus e Japponisisfloribus, suo adhuc madenitibus sanguine / compositus Antonio Francisco Cardim
  • Catalogus regularium, et secularium, qui in Japponiæ regnis usque à fundata ibi Francisco Xaverio gentis apostolo ecclesia ab ethnicis in odium Christianæ fidei sub quatuor tyurannis biolenta morte sublati / collectus Antonio Francisco Cardim
  • Tomo primero de la Historia de la provincia del Santo Rosario de Filipinas, Iapon, y China, de la sagrada Orden de predicadores...
  • Reel 5. Christiandad del Japon, y dilatada persecucion qua padeciò / su autor, Joseph Sicardo
  • Compendio delle heroiche et gloriose attioni, et santa vita di papa Greg xiii / Marco Antonio Ciappi
  • Relationi della uenauta degli ambasciatori giaponesi a Roma sino alla partita di Lisbona / raccolte da Guido Gualtieri
  • Relatione del viaggio et arriuo in Europa, et Roma de'principi giapponesi venuti à dare obedienza à sua Santità li annno MDLXXXV / Gregory XIII pope
  • Historia del regno di Voxu del Giapone, dell'antichita, nobilta, e valore del suo Re Idate Masamune : dedicata alla S. tā di N.S. Papa Paolo V. / fatta per Scipione Amtati
  • Fr. Ludovici Soteli minoriæ ... ad vrbanum viii. pont. max. de Ecclesiæ Iaponicæ statu relartio ... / [Luis Sotelo]
  • Reel 6. Arte da lingoa de Iapam composta pello / [Compilar por] João Rodriguez Portugues da Cõpanhia de Iesu, dividida em tres livros
  • Sanctos no gosagues no uchi unqigaqi quan dai ichi ...
  • Manuale ad sacramenta Ecclesiæ ministranda : D. Ludouici Cerqueira Japonensis episcopi ad vsum sui cleri ordinatum / [Luiz de Cerqueira]
  • Reel 7. The history of trauayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes... / gathered in parte, and done into Engleshe by Richarde Eden ; newly set in order, augmented, and finished by Richarde Willes
  • The principal navigations, voiages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation, made by sea or ouer-land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres... / by Richard Hakluyt
  • Reel 8. The third and last volume of the voyages, navigations, traffiques, and discoueries of the English nation, and in some few places, where they have not been, of strangers, performed within and before the time of these hundred yeeres, ... / collected by Richard Hakluyt
  • The discoveries of the world from their first originall vnto the yeere of our lord 1555 / briefly written in the Portugall tongue by Antonis Galvano ; collected, quoted, and now published in English by Richard Hakluyt
  • Reel 9. Peregrinaçam de Fernam Mendez Pinto ... / Fernão Mendes Pinto
  • 北斎漫画 / 葛飾北斎画
  • Itinerario : voyage ofte schipvaert van Jan Huygen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien ... / Jan Huygen van Linschoten
  • Reel 10. Shuinj_ : the original document of Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa, granting trade privilegs in Japan to the English East India Company, Keicho 18, Eighth Month, 28th day (12 October 1613)
  • Purchas his pilgrimes / Samuel Purchas
  • Reel 11. Purchas his pilgrimes / Samuel Purchas
  • Reel 12. Log book on four voyages to Cochin-China and Siam, 1614-19 / William Adams
  • A brief discourse of a passage by the North-Pole to Japan, China, &c., pleaded by three experiments / by Joseph Moxon
  • A true description of the mighty kingdoms of the Japan and Siam / written originally in Dutch by Francis Caron and Joost Schorten and now rendred into English by Capt. Roge Manley
  • Descriptio regni Japoniæ, cum quibusdam offinis materiæ, ex variis auctoribus collecta / Bernardus Varenius
  • Atlas Japannensis : being remarkable addresses by way of embassy from the East-India company of the United Provinces, emperor of Japan / collected out of their several writings and journals by Arnoldus Montanus ; English'd and adorn'd with abouve a hundred several sculptures, by John Ogilby
  • Reel 13. Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, performed between the years 1770 and 1779 / by Charles Peter Thunberg
  • Caroli Petri Thunberg, med. doct. prof. Reg. et Extraord. Academ. ... Flora Iaponica ... / [Carl Peter Thunberg]
  • Reel 14. Illustrations of Japan : consisting of private memoirs and anecdotes of the reigning dynasty of the djogouns, or Sovereigns of Japan ... / by M. Titsingh ; translated from the French, by Frederic Shoberl
  • Nippon, Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Neben- und Schutaländern : jezo mit den Südlichen Kurilen, Krafto, Kooraï und den Liukiu-Inseln nach japanischen und europäischen Schriften und eigenen Beobachtungen / bearbeitet von Ph. Fr. von Siebold
  • Reel 15. Nippon, Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Neben- und Schutaländern : jezo mit den Südlichen Kurilen, Krafto, Kooraï und den Liukiu-Inseln nach japanischen und europäischen Schriften und eigenen Beobachtungen / bearbeitet von Ph. Fr. von Siebold
  • Shokoku rokuj_hakkei / Hiroshige Utagawa
  • 長崎土産 / 磯野信春
  • 日本山海名産圖會 / 蔀関月
  • Die Sechs Wandshirme der vergaglichen Welt : ein japanischer Roman im Originaltexte sammt den Facsimiles von 57 japanischen Holzschnitten übersetxt und herausgegeben / [Ryutei Tanehiko] ; by August Pfizmaier
  • 摂津名所圖會 / 秋里湘夕著 ; 竹原春朝斎画
  • Zum ewigen Frieden : ein philosophischer Entwurf / von Immanuel Kant
  • Reel 16. Memoirs and travels of Mauritius Augustus count de Benyowsky : magnate of Kingdoms of Hungary and Poland, one of the chiefs of the Confederation of Poland / written by Moric Grof Benyousky, translated from the original manuscript
  • Voyage de la Pérouse autour du monde / [Jean Franc̦ois de Gaalaup la Pérouse] ; publié conformément au décret du 22 avril 1791, et rédigé par M.L.A. Milet-Murearu
  • Reel 17. Memoirs and travels of Mauritius Augustus count de Benyowsky : magnate of Kingdoms of Hungary and Poland, one of the chiefs of the Confederation of Poland / written by Moric Grof Benyousky, translated from the original manuscript
  • Voyage de la Pérouse autour du monde / [Jean Franc̦ois de Gaalaup la Pérouse] ; publié conformément au décret du 22 avril 1791, et rédigé par M.L.A. Milet-Murearu
  • Reel 18. A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean / by William Robert Broughton
  • Voyage round the world, in the years 1803, 1804, 1805, & 1806, by order of his Imperial Majesty Alexander the first, on board the ships Nadeshda and Neva under the command of Cappain A.J. von Krusenstern / [Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern] ; translated from the original German by Richard Belgrave Hoppner
  • Narrative of my captivity in Japan, during the years 1811, 1812 & 1813 : with observations on the country and the people / by Captain Golownin ; to which in added an account of voyages to the coasts of Japan, and of negotiations with the Japanese, for the release of the author and his companions, by Captain Rikord
  • Reel 19. Narrative of a voyage to the pacific and Beering's strait, to cooperate with the polar expeditions : performed in his majesty's ship blossom / under the command of Captain F.W. Beechey
  • Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854 under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the government of the United States / [by Commodore M.C. Perry] ; compiled from the original notes and journals of Commodore Perry and his officers, at his request, and under his supervision, by Francis L. Hawks
  • Reel 20. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United State Navy, by order of the government of the United States
  • Observations on the Zodiacal light from April 2, 1853, to April 22, 1855, made chiefly on board the United States steam-frigate Mississippi, during her late cruise in eastern seas, and her voyage homeward : with conclusions from the data thus obtained / by Rev. George Jones
  • Graphic senes in the Japan expedition / by William Heine
  • Reel 21. Le Japon illustré / par Aimé Humbert
  • Die preussische Expedition nach China, Japan und Siam in den Jahren 1860, 1861 und 1862 Reisebriefe / von Reinhold Werner
  • 自然居士
  • 矢立賀茂
  • 八島
関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示
  • ISBN
    • 1857110900
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Marlborough, Wiltshire
  • ページ数/冊数
    22 microfilm reels
  • 大きさ
    35 mm
  • 付属資料
    1 book
  • 親書誌ID