Setting priorities for drinking water contaminants
Setting priorities for drinking water contaminants
National Academy Press, 1999
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references
The provision of safe drinking water has been an important factor in the improvement of the health status of U.S. communities since the turn of the last century. Nonetheless, outbreaks of waterborne disease and incidences of chemical contamination of drinking water continue to occur.
Setting Priorities for Drinking Water Contaminants recommends a new process for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to use in deciding which potential drinking water contaminants should be regulated in public water supplies to provide the greatest protection against waterborne illnesses. The book covers chemical and microbiological contaminants and includes a historical review of past approaches to setting priorities for drinking water contaminants and other environmental pollutants. It emphasizes the need for expert judgment in this process and for a conservative approach that considers public health protection as the first priority.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
Executive Summary
1 Introduction
2 Review of Existing Chemical Prioritization Schemes
3 Review of Methods for Assessing Microbial Pathogens
4 Approach Used to Develop the 1998 CCL
5 Selecting Contaminants on the CCL for Future Action: Recommended
Decision Process
Appendix A Assessing Uncertainty in Decision Processes
Appendix B Biographical Sketches of Committee Members and Staff
- 1 Front Matter
- 2 Executive Summary
- 3 1 Introduction
- 4 2 Review of Existing Chemical Prioritization Schemes
- 5 3 Review of Methods for Assessing Microbial Pathogens
- 6 4 Approach Used to Develop the 1998 CCL
- 7 5 Selecting Contaminants on the CCL for Future Action: Recommended Decision Process
- 8 Appendix A Assessing Uncertainty in Decision Processes
- 9 Appendix B Biographical Sketches of Committee Members and Staff
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