Meat hygiene
Meat hygiene
W.B. Saunders, c1999
10th ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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Previous ed.: by J.F. Gracey and D.S. Collins. London : Bailliere Tindall, 1992
Includes bibliographical references and index
This is the standard textbook covering all aspects of meat hygiene from the production of clean and healthy animals and their humane handling and slaughter, to the hygienic processing of meat and meat products and the avoidance of food-borne hazards. For the 10th edition, this classic and highly regarded work has been fully updated throughout, with many sections completely rewritten. The emphasis has been altered to reflect a more integrated 'farm to table' approach, and a more international perspective.
Food Animals. Anatomy, Meat Composition and Quality. Meat Plant Construction, Equipment and Operations. Preservation of Meat. By-Products Treatment. Plant Sanitation. From Farm to Slaughter. Humane Slaughter. Meat Hygiene Practice. Red Meat Inspection. Inspection of Poultry . Inspection of Rabbits, Deer and Ostriches. Chemical Residues. Food Poisoning and Meat Microbiology . Occupational Injuries, Infections and Zoonoses. Pathology. Infectious Diseases. Diseases Caused By Helminth and Arthropod Parasites. Metabolic Diseases and Nutritional Deficiencies. Diseases Caused By Environmental Pollutants. Data Retrieval and Feedback. Appendix: By-Products of the Meat Industry.
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