
Edward Said

editied by Patrick Williams

(Sage masters of modern social thought)

Sage Publications, 2001

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Includes bibliographical references

Collection of 80 articles and essays originally published 1976-2000



By a wide measure of assent, Edward Said was one of the most important scholars examining society, politics and culture. A Palestinian-American, his life had been shaped by the cross-currents of race, globalization and nationalist violence. Said emerged as a leading figure in the dialogue between occidentalism and orientalism, making seminal contributions to our understanding of colonialism, postcolonialism and the responsibilities of criticism. He was one of the figures cited most frequently in the Social Science Citation Index, and one of the few, genuinely global, public intellectuals. This exhaustive and unparalleled collection draws together the essential writings on Said's thought in a collection which any serious student of contemporary social thought will find indispensable. Planned and produced with a view to provide an accessible and reliable survey of all aspects of Said's voluminous writings, the collection is divided into four sections. Section 1: Intellectuals and Critics: Positions and Polemics Included here are reflections on some of the master-themes in Said's thought: the question of the displacement of the intellectual critic; the metaphysics of critical `homelessness', the challenges of exile; Said's relation to post-colonialism; and the important debates between Said, Aijaz Ahmad and Walzer. The challenging and controversial nature of many of Said's ideas are fully explored and the originality of his position on intellectual criticism and post-colonialism is properly acknowledged. Section 2: Versions of Orientalism Said's study of orientalism was arguably a break-through work, rapidly establishing him as a central cultural critic of modern times. Said's study was instrumental in opening up postcolonialism as an area of analysis. In this section the relevance of orientalism to the study of culture is examined, and the antinomies of orientalism are surveyed. Said was fully aware that he was writing about a contested subject when he published Orientalism. Here, the axes of contestation are brought together, and their power is compared and contrasted. The section includes discussions of the relevance of orientlaism to the study of Japan; Barthes and orientalism; China and orientalism; orientalism and the Third World; feminism, imperialism and orientalism; orientalism, the West and Islam and orientalism and technology. Section 3: Cultural Forms, Disciplinary Boundaries Said's interest in the politics of power and domination is richly explored in his thought on disciplinary boundaries. His work can be partly understood as an attack on certain forms of institutionalized epistemology, but always, with a conviction that the necessity of truth is the sine quo non of academic debate. This section provides readers with insights into the breadth and quality of Said's writings. It includes reflections on Said's Culture and Imperialism; nationalism, colonialism and post-colonialism; music, literature and emotion; Said and the study of history; Said, anthropology and ethnography; language and war; representations of domination through aesthetic forms; and multiculturalism, geography and postcolonial theory. What comes through most powerfully is the sheer expanse and inspired relevance of Said's thought to understanding the present and the relationship between history and the present. Section 4: Theory and Politics The questions that Said devoted himself to studying have very wide implications into the organization of self and society. Indeed, Said was an exemplary political writer, in as much as he never stints on his attempt to demonstrate the relevance of theory for practice. This section fully explores these aspects of Said's work. It includes discussions of colonialism and discrimination; the cult of theory; the politics of nonidentity; the power of the word; the relationship between Jameson and Said; Said and cultural relativism; Fanon and Said; Chomsku and Said; the relevance of Said's thought to understanding minority culture; Palestine and the betrayal of history; and the psychology of nationalism.


  • PART ONE: INTELLECTUALS AND CRITICS: POSITIONS AND POLEMICS Interview with Edward W Said - Edward W Said and Diacritics Politics, the Profession, and the Critic - Catherine Gallagher Intellectuals at War - Paul A Bov[ac]e Michel Foucault and the Analytics of Power The Critic as Dis/Placed Intelligence - Mustapha Ben T Marrouchi The Case of Edward Said Orientalism and After - Aijaz Ahmad Ambivalence and Metropolitan Location in the Work of Edward Said The National Question - Michael Sprinker Said, Ahmad, Jameson News from Nowhere - Marjorie Levinson The Discontents of Aijaz Ahmad An Interview with Edward W Said - Edward W Said, Joseph A Buttigieg and Paul A Bov[ac]e The East is a Career - Bruce Robbins Edward Said The Palestinian Intellectual and the Liberation of the Academy - Barbara Harlow Worldliness-Without-World, Homelessness-as-Home - Abdul R JanMohamed Toward a Definition of the Specular Border Intellectual The Intifada of the Intellectuals - Mark Walhout An Ecumenical Perspective on the Walzer-Said Exchange Edward W Said and the American Public Sphere - Rashid I Khalidi Speaking Truth to Power Conversation with Edward Said - Edward Said and Bill Ashcroft Edward Said, Late Style and the Aesthetic of Exile - Tim Lawrence `What Truth? For Whom and Where?' - Martin Hollis Nothing in the Post? - Patrick Williams Said and the Problem of Post-Colonial Intellectuals PART TWO: VERSIONS OF ORIENTALISM Orientalism and the Study of Japan - Richard H Minear Orientalism and its Problems - Dennis Porter The Challenge of Orientalism - Lata Mani and Ruth Frankenberg On Orientalism - James Clifford The Prisonhouse of Orientalism - Zakia Pathak, Saswati Sengupta and Sharmila Purkayastha After Orientalism - Rosalind O'Hanlon and David Washbrook Culture, Criticism and Politics in the Third World Techno-Orientalism - David Morley and Kevin Robins Futures, Foreigners and Phobias Under the Sign of Orientalism - Mahmut Mutman The West vs. Islam Barthes and Orientalism - Diana Knight The Sultan and the Slave - Joyce Zonana Feminist Orientalism and the Structures of Jane Eyre Looking the Same? A Preliminary (Postcolonial) Discussion of Orientalism and Occidentalism in Australia and Japan - Leigh Dale and Helen Gilbert Acting Out Orientalism - Emily Apter Sapphic Theatricality in Turn-of-the-Century Paris Vacation Cruises
  • or, the Homoerotics of Orientalism - Joseph A Boone Orientalism Now - Gyan Prakash Chinese History and the Question of Orientalism - Arif Dirlik Feminism, Imperialism and Orientalism - Joanna Liddle and Shirin Rai The Challenge of the `Indian Woman' Orientalism - Neil Macmaster and Toni Lewis From Unveiling to Hyperveiling The Illusion of a Future - Timothy Brennan Orientalism as Travelling Theory PART THREE: CULTURAL FORMS, DISCIPLINARY BOUNDARIES Overlapping Territories and Intertwined Histories - Benita Parry Edward Said's Postcolonial Cosmopolitanism Presence and Representation - Johannes Fabian The Other and Anthropological Writing Orientalism and the Ethnographer - Catherine Gimelli Martin Said, Herodotus and the Discourse of Alterity The Mightier Pen - Ernest Gellner The Double Standards of Inside-Out Colonialism The Ethics of Mansfield Park - Allen Dunn MacIntyre, Said and Social Context Jane Austen and Edward Said - Susan Fraiman Gender, Culture and Imperialism Edward Said's Culture and Imperialism - Bruce Robbins et al A Symposium Nationalism and Exoticism - Lisa Lowe Nineteenth-Century Others in Flaubert's Salammbo and L'Education Sentimentale Representing Empire - Michael Hays Class, Culture and the Popular Theatre in the Nineteenth Century Narrating Imperialism - Benita Parry Nostromo's Dystopia East is East and South is South - Elleke Boehmer Postcolonialism as Neo-Orientalism, the Cases of Sarojini Naidu and Arundhati Roy Edward Said and the Historians - John M MacKenzie Orientalism and World History - Edmund Burke III Representing Middle Eastern Nationalism and Islamism in the Twentieth Century Displacing Limits of Difference - Christine Anne Holmlund Gender, Race and Colonialism in Edward Said and Homi Bhabha's Theoretical Models and Marguerite Duras's Experimental Films The Family Romance of Orientalism - Marina Heung From Madame Butterfly to Indochine Language and War - Bob Hodge Orientalism in the `Mother of All Battles' The Matter of Language - Terry Cochran Said as Music Critic - Henry Louis Gates Jr The Sublime Lyrical Abstractions of Edward W Said - Jim Merod Orientalism and Musical Style - Derek B Scott In Responses Begins Responsibility - Lindsay Waters Music and Emotion Beyond Occidentalism - Fernando Coronil Toward Nonimperial Geohistorical Categories Multiculturalism, Geography, Postcolonial Theory - John K Noyes PART FOUR: THEORY AND POLITICS Criticism as Cultural Politics - Hayden White Scriptive Fate/Scriptive Hope - Joseph N Riddel Difference, Discrimination and the Discourse of Colonialism - Homi K Bhabha Criticism Worldly and Otherworldly - Daniel O'Hara Edward W Said and the Cult of Theory Theorizing Opposition - Robert Con Davis Aristotle, Greimas, Jameson and Said The Genealogy of Justice and the Justice of Genealogy - Harold Weiss Chomsky and Said vs. Foucault and Bov[ac]e Play and Cultural Differences - Paul B Armstrong Hope and Reconciliation - Paul Bov[ac]e A Review of Edward W Said Translating Theories - Michael Dutton and Peter Williams Edward Said on Orientalism, Imperialism and Alterity Third Worldist Relativism - Ray Kiely A New Form of Imperialism Edward W Said - Asha Varadharajan The Politics of Nonidentity - Fred Dallmayr Adorno, Postmodernism - and Edward Said Culture and Colonization - William V Spanos The Imperial Imperatives of the Centered Circle Postcolonial Theory in the Literature Classroom - Michael Garbutcheon Singh and James Greenlaw Contrapuntal Readings Auerbach in Istanbul - Amir R Mufti Edward Said, Secular Criticism and the Question of Minority Culture Humanism in Question - Anthony C Alessandrini Fanon and Said Palestine - Edward W Said and David Barsamian Betrayal of History Disinformation and the Palestine Question - Norman G Finkelstein The Not-So-Strange Case of Joan Peters's From Time Immemorial Broadcasts - Christopher Hitchens White Skin, Black Masks - Bryan Cheyette Jews and Jewishness in the Writings of George Eliot and Franz Fanon Antinomies of Exile - Ella Shohat Said at the Frontiers of National Narrations A Question of Survival - Homi K Bhabha Nations and Psychic States

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