New essays in ecofeminist literary criticism


New essays in ecofeminist literary criticism

edited by Glynis Carr

(Bucknell review, v. 44, no. 1)

Bucknell University Press , Associated University Presses, c2000

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references



"Not by politics alone" : gender and environmental justice in Karen Tei Yamashita's Tropic of Cancer / Julie Sze -- A saintly reading of nature's text : Alice Walker's Meridian / Charlotte Zoee Walker -- Intersections of nature and the self in Chicana writing / Benay Blend -- Land and Hawaiian identity : literary activism in Kiana Davenport's Shark dialogues / Mayumi Toyosato -- Strategies for a cross-cultural ecofeminist ethics : interrogating tradition, preserving nature / Greta Gaard -- The birth of abatterer : Isaac Babel's "My first goose" / Steven G. Kellman -- The pastoral rapture of Eula in The Hamlet / Janice C. Crosby -- Persephone's daughters : Jane Smiley's A thousand acres and classic myth / Glynis Carr -- Writing the real : Virginia Woolf and an ecology of language / L. Elizabeth Waller -- "The road of ice" : motion, language, and silence in Marianne Moore / Carol H. Cantrell -- Ecocritical uses of the erotic / Catrin Gersdorf.

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