Akkadian loanwords in Biblical Hebrew


Akkadian loanwords in Biblical Hebrew

by Paul V. Mankowski

(Harvard Semitic studies, no. 47)

Eisenbrauns, c2000

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Rev. ed. of author's thesis (Ph. D.--Harvard University, 1997)

Includes bibliographical references (p. [177]-219) and indexes



Akkadian Loanwords in Biblical Hebrew is an in-depth examination of Hebrew words that are of Akkadian origin or transmitted via Akkadian into the Hebrew lexicon. The first book-length treatment of the subject to appear in 90 years, this study provides a detailed treatment in dictionary form of the most plausible borrowings, including so-called semantic loans or loan-adaptations. A comprehensive analysis of Hebrew phonetic imitation of Akkadian words, with special attention to the influence of the Assyrian and Babylonian dialects, yields some new information on the phonology of the donor language during the loan period. This book will be of interest to Hebraists, Assyriologists, lexicographers, and students of Semitic philology.

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