Low temperature plasma physics : fundamental aspects and applications
Low temperature plasma physics : fundamental aspects and applications
Wiley-VCH, c2001
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全22件
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Low-temperature plasma physics is a very active area of research located on the boundaries between physics, chemistry and materials science. Recent technological developments, e.g. in plasma etching or plasma deposition, have led to a revived interest in plasma physics and technology. This volume describes in detail fundamentals and applications of low-temperature plasma physics including newest achievements. The authors of this volume are top scientists from the USA and Europe who present most recent successes in our understanding of how plasmas behave and put a strong focus on the links between theory and experiment or technological process.
Characteristics of Low--Temperature Plasmas Under Non--Thermal Conditions--A Short Summary (A. Rutscher). Electron Kinetics in Weakly Ionized Plasmas (R. Winkler). Elementary Collision Processes in Plasmas (K. Becker). Fundamental Processes of Plasma--surface Interactions (R. Hippler). Modelling of Plasma--wall Interaction (H. Kersten). Langmuir Probe Diagnostics of Low--temperature Plasmas (S. Pfau & M. Tichy). Diagnostics of Non--equilibrium Molecular Plasmas Using Emission and Absorption Spectroscopy (J. Ropcke, et al.). Mass Spectrometric Diagnostics (M. Schmidt, et al.). Ellipsometric Analysis of Plasma--treated Surfaces (W. Fukarek). Characterization of Thin Solid Films (H. Wuff & H. Steffen). Plasma Sources (M. Schmidt & H. Conrads). Reactive Non--Thermal Plasmas--Chemical Quasi--equilibria, Similarity Principles and Macroscopic Kinetics (H.--E. Wagner). High--Pressure Plasmas: Dielectric--barrier and Corona Discharges -- Properties and Technical Applications (U. Kogelschatz & J. Salge). Transient Plasma--assisted Diesel Exhaust Remediation (M. Gundersen, et al.). Plasma Display Panel (J. Lee & J. Verboncoeur). Low--Pressure Discharge Light Sources (G. Lister). High--Pressure Plasma Light Sources (K. Gunther). Plasma Etching in Microelectronics (H. Richter & A. Wolff). Low--Temperature Plasmas for Polymer Surface Modification (J. Meichsner). Plasma--enhanced Deposition of Superhard Thin Films (A. Lunk). Markets for Plasma Technology (H. Conrads). Index.
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