Modeling and computation of boundary-layer flows : laminar, turbulent and transitional boundary layers in incompressible flows : solutions manual and computer programs
Modeling and computation of boundary-layer flows : laminar, turbulent and transitional boundary layers in incompressible flows : solutions manual and computer programs
Horizons, c2001 , Springer
- : Horizons
- : Springer
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全19件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references
This manual presents complete solutions to the homework problems described in Modeling and Computation of Boundary-Layer Flows. In some cases, problems may be solved using computer programs presented in the book, modifying them as necessary. Other problems require the development of new computer programs.
Introduction.- Conservation Equations for Mass and Momentum.- Boundary-Layer Equations.- Two-Dimensional Laminar Flows.- Boundary-Layer Program for External Flows.- Transition in Two-Dimensional Flows.- Stability-Transition Program for External Flows and its Applications.- Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flows.- Three-Dimensional Steady and Unsteady Laminar and Turbulent Flows.- Boundary-Layer Program for Three-Dimensional Flows.- Transition in Three-Dimensional Flows.- Interactive Boundary-Layer Theory.- Subject Index.
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