A first course in discrete mathematics
A first course in discrete mathematics
Waveland Press, 1997
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes bibliographies and index
Reissued. Originally published: c1986
Written at an easy to understand level, this text carefully explains the necessary mathematical topics such as number systems, sets and logic, combinatorics, finite probability spaces, relations and functions. Optional programming exercises that apply the mathematical concepts have been included, but there is no loss of continuity if the programming material is omitted. There are hundreds of examples for students to work through and graded exercise sets encourage students to apply the information they have just read. Optional case studies illustrate how the mathematics is useful and for instructors who want to use the computer to illustrate topics, optional programming exercises in Pascal are included. A complete Pascal appendix is provided for further reference. This book should be of interest to first year degree and diploma students taking discrete mathematics courses.
Number systems. Sets and logic. Combinatorics. Probability. Relations and functions. Vectors and matrices. Boolean algebra. Graph theory. Appendix on Pascal. Index.
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