Philosophy, and public affairs
Philosophy, and public affairs
(Royal Institute of Philosophy supplement, 45)
Cambridge University Press, c2000
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全12件
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Papers presented at a conference held at the University of St. Andrews in 1997
This collection of essays derives from a conference sponsored by the Royal Institute of Philosophy and the Centre of Philosophy and Public Affairs at the University of St Andrews. It brings together a number of prominent academics from the fields of philosophy and political theory along with politicians and social commentators. The subjects covered include liberalism, education, welfare policy, religion, art and culture, and cloning. The mix of contributors and the topicality of the subject matter should further promote a serious engagement between philosophy and public life.
- 1. Introduction John Haldane
- 2. In defence of individualism Samuel Brittan
- 3. Market boundaries and human goods Russell Keat
- 4. A tale of three Karls: Marx, Popper, Polyani and post-socialist Europe David Marquand
- 5. Liberty's hollow triumph John Skorupski
- 6. Politics, religion and national identity Gordon Graham
- 7. Contemporary art, democracy, and the state George Walden
- 8. Popular culture and public affairs Bryan Appleyard
- 9. Welfare and the state Melanie Phillips
- 10. Questions of begging Tony Skillen
- 11. Philosophy and educational policy Anthony O'Hear
- 12. What did John Dewey want? Alan Ryan
- 13. Educating for citizenship David Alton
- 14. Being human: science, knowledge and virtue John Haldane.
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