Computational, geometric, and process perspectives on facial cognition : contexts and challenges
Computational, geometric, and process perspectives on facial cognition : contexts and challenges
(Scientific psychology series)
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全18件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Within the last three decades, interest in the psychological experience of human faces has drawn together cognitive science researchers from diverse backgrounds. Computer scientists talk to neural scientists who draw on the work of mathematicians who explicitly influence those conducting behavioral experiments.
The chapters in this volume illustrate the breadth of the research on facial perception and memory, with the emphasis being on mathematical and computational approaches. In pulling together these chapters, the editors sought to do much more than illustrate breadth. They endeavored as well to illustrate the synergies and tensions that inevitably result from adopting a broad view, one consistent with the emerging discipline of cognitive science.
Contents: Preface. A.J. O'Toole, M.J. Wenger, J.T. Townsend, Quantitative Models of Perceiving and Remembering Faces: Precedents and Possibilities. J.T. Townsend, B. Solomon, J.S. Smith, The Perfect Gestalt: Infinite Dimensional Reimannian Face Spaces and Other Aspects of Face Perception. T. Valentine, Face-Space Models of Face Recognition. M. Steyvers, T.A. Busey, Predicting Similarity Ratings to Faces Using Physical Descriptions. T.A. Busey, Formal Models of Familiarity and Memorability in Face Recognition. R.D. Thomas, Characterizing Perceptual Interactions in Face Identification Using Multidimensional Signal Detection Theory. M.J. Wenger, J.T. Townsend, Faces as Gestalt Stimuli: Process Characteristics. C.S. Campbell, G. Schwarzer, D.W. Massaro, Face Perception: An Information Processing Perspective. G.W. Cottrell, M.N. Dailey, C. Padgett, R. Adolphs, Is All Face Processing Holistic? The View From UCSD. S. Edelman, A.J. O'Toole, Viewpoint Generalization in Face Recognition: The Role of Category-Specific Processes. D. Valentin, H. Abdi, B. Edelman, M. Posamentier, 2D or Not 2D? That Is the Question: What Can We Learn From Computational Models Operating on Two-Dimensional Representations of Faces? W.R. Uttal, Are Reductive (Explanatory) Theories of Face Identification Possible? Some Speculations and Some Findings.
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