Discourse synthesis : studies in historical and contemporary social epistemology
Discourse synthesis : studies in historical and contemporary social epistemology
Praeger, 2001
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. [397]-408) and index
As this edited collection makes clear, inquiry is a social system and knowledge is socially constructed. To understand the nature of inquiry in a particular discourse community, one must look at its social dimensions, that is, the qualities of personal craftsmanship and community affiliation inherent in the work of the writers/scholars. And, of course, each discourse community maintains its own standards and norms, determines what subject matter is appropriate for investigation and explanation, how that subject matter is examined, what constitutes evidence, and, in discourse, what claims are to be regarded as valid. McInnis and his contributors explore how a consensus was arrived at in various Western disciplines and how that consensus has stood up to challenges through time.
They first examine the concepts of consensus/dissensus and the politics of scholarship in a variety disciplines, concentrating on economic history, health and medicine. They next look at contrasting conceptual frameworks for synthesizing discourse within disciplines and the challenges established in the world of postmodernist scholarship. Reference works are then explored as tools for discourse synthesis and consensus, and the volume concludes with a look at micro and macro considerations in discourse synthesis. A provocative work for scholars and researchers involved in the philosophy and history of knowledge and science; advanced students in a variety of disciplines will find the work invaluable for better understanding the roots, rules, and approaches of their specialized fields.
Introduction: Defining Discourse Synthesis Consensus/Dissensus and the Politics of Scholarship Consensus and Disagreement Among American Economic Historians by Robert Whaples Scholarship on John Locke in the Late Twentieth Century by George Mariz The Politics of Discourse Synthesis in the Literature of Health by Sheila Ryan Johannson Discourse Synthesis in the Literature of Evidence-Based Medicine by W. Earle Decoteau Contrasting Conceptual Frameworks of Synthesizing Discourse: "Vertical and Horizontal" Thinking Versus "Associative and Analogical" Thinking The Information Connection in Scholarly Synthesis by Carole L. Palmer A Journey Through Science Henry Small Synthesizing Discourse in Mathematical Communitites The Discourse of Mathematics Patricia B. Cerrito Mathematical Discourse and Cross-Disciplinary Communities: The Case of Political Economy by Robert Pahre The Different "Takes" on Discourse Synthesis and Postmodernist Scholarship A Changing Terrain of Knowledge and Power: A Social Epistemlogy of Educational Research by Thomas S. Popkewitz The Discourse of Literacy Criticism and Theory by Wendell Harris Postmodernism by Steve Fuller Quantifying Consensus Discourse Synthesis in Meta-Analysis by Betsy Jane Becker Reference Works as Tools of Discourse Synthesis and Consensus Discursive Communities/Interpretive Communities: The New Logic, John Locke, and Dictionary-Making, 1600-1760 by Raymond G. McInnis Encyclopedias and the Integration of Knowledge by Paul T. Durbin Educating the Will: Masculinity and Modernity in La Grande Encyclopedie (1886-1902) by Christopher E. Forth Discourse Synthesis: "Micro" and "Macro" Considerations Discourse Synthesis: The Process and the Product by Nancy Nelson Index
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