Lord Salisbury's world : conservative environments in late-Victorian Britain


Lord Salisbury's world : conservative environments in late-Victorian Britain

Michael Bentley

Cambridge University Press, 2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references (p. 322-326) and index



Lord Salisbury (1830-1903) is now a subject of intense historical attention. This important study moves away from conventional biography and presents an original portrait of the mental world inhabited by late Victorian Conservatives at the time when their world-view was coming under severe strain. At the centre of the picture is the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, but Lord Salisbury's World does not simply tell the story of his life and politics. Instead, it asks sensitive questions about how the political, intellectual and religious environments of the late Victorian period seemed to one of its sharpest intellects, and it situates Salisbury and his immediate entourage in a wide landscape of relationships, perceptions and problems. Professor Bentley takes the reader into Conservative assumptions about time and space, property and society, religion and the state, and the past and the future - the very language in which they expressed themselves.


  • Introduction: situations vacant
  • 1. Time
  • 2. Space
  • 3. Society
  • 4. Property
  • 5. Thought
  • 6. The state
  • 7. The church
  • 8. The empire
  • 9. The party
  • 10. The legacy
  • Note on sources.

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