Herpetic eye diseases : proceedings of the international symposium at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, May 17-19, 1984


Herpetic eye diseases : proceedings of the international symposium at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, May 17-19, 1984

P.C. Maudgal and L. Missotten, editors

(Documenta Ophthalmologica, Proceedings series ; v. 44)

Junk , Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1985

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographies



Proceedings of the International Symposium at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, May 17-19, 1984


SESSION I: Virology, Pathogenesis Chairman: D.L.Easty (Bristol).- Pathogenesis of herpes virus infections.- Herpes simplex virus infection of corneal cells invitro.- Cytopathogenic effects of herpes simplex virus on corneal epithelium.- Superior cervical ganglion in experimental herpes simplex virus eye disease.- Recurrent and non-recurrent HSV-1 strains: Effect of temperature.- Herpes simplex virus cycle: Model of mechanism of acute disease, latency and reactivation.- SESSION II: Pathology, Immunology Chairman: C.R.Dawson (San Francisco).- Spread of herpes simplex virus to the eye following cutaneous inoculation in the snout of the mouse.- Light microscopic evaluation of rabbit corneal nerves: Comparison of the normal with dendritic herpetic keratitis.- Isolation of herpes simplex virus from corneal discs of patients with chronic stromal keratitis.- Genetic influence from chromosome 12 on murine susceptibility to herpes simplex.- Systemic immune responses after ocular antigen encounter.- The role of virus-infected mononuclear leukocytes in the pathogenesis of herpetic chorioretinitis of newborn rabbits.- SESSION III: Immunology, Vaccination Chairman: C. S. Foster (Boston).- The influence of prednisolone on external eye disease, virus proliferation and latent infection in an animal model of herpes simplex keratitis.- Suppressive effect of cyclosporine on the induction of secondary herpes simplex uveitis.- T-cell subsets in herpes zoster cyclitis.- Experimental and clinical preliminary study of immunomodulators in the treatment of ocular herpes.- Subunit vaccine compared with infection as protection against experimental herpes simplex keratitis.- Immunological aspects and thymic hormone therapy of herpetic keratitis.- SESSION IV: Clinical Disease Chairman: P.Wright (London).- Primary ocular HSV infections in adults.- A case of bilateral herpes simplex eye disease of long duration.- Differential diagnosis of herpetic keratitis by-means of a new electronic optical aesthesiometer.- Lacrimal secretion after herpetic keratitis.- A computer-based method to provide subspecialist expertise on the management of herpes simplex infections of the eye.- SESSION V: Antiviral Agents-I.- New antiviral drugs for the treatment of herpesvirus infections.- Ocular herpesvirus infections and the development of virus-drug resistance.- Relevance of viral thymidine kinase for clinical resistance to antiviral drugs when treating herpes simplex eye infections.- A rapid micromethod for evaluating the sensitivity of ocular herpes simplex strains to antiviral drugs.- A review of acyclovir in the management of herpes simplex infections of the eye.- A comparison of the antiherpes activities in vitro and in vivo of foscarnet and mono- and dihydroxybutylguanine.- SESSION VI: Antiviral Agents-II Chairman: O.P. van Bijsterveld (Utrecht).- Acyclovir treatment in stromal herpetic keratitis.- Antiviral treatment of herpes simplex stromal disease.- Treatment of herpetic kerato-uveitis: Comparative action of vidarabine,trifluorothymidine and acyclovir in combination with corticoids.- Oral acyclovir (ZoviraxR) in herpetic keratitis.- A double-blind, dual-centre comparative trial of acyclovir (ZoviraxR) and adenine arabinoside in the treatment of herpes simplex amoeboid ulcers.- SESSION VII: Antiviral Agents-III Chairman: E.De Clercq (Leuven).- Topical bromovinyldeoxyuridine treatment of herpes simplex keratitis.- Permeability of the cornea to (125I)IVDU, an analogue of bromovinyldeoxyuridine.- Use of ara-A in herpetic eye diseases: A review.- Trifluridine induced corneal epithelium dysplasia.- Steroid addiction: A complication of use and abuse of steroids in herpes simplex keratitis.- Management of herpetic keratitis by instillation of citreous honey.- SESSION VIII: Keratoplasty Chairman H.-J.Thiel (Tübingen).- Severe herpes simplex keratitis, frequency of complicating cataract, results of corneal grafting.- Penetrating keratoplasty in herpetic corneal diseases with perforation or severe stromal keratitis.- Keratoplasty in herpetic corneal disease.- Prevention and treatment of herpes recurrence in the corneal graft with acyclovir.- The influence of prospective HLA-A and -B matching in 288 penetrating keratoplasties for herpes simplex keratitis.- SESSION IX: Interferon Chairman: J. Colin (Brest).- Interferon treatment of herpetic keratitis.- Lymphoblast and fibroblast-interferon in a combination therapy of keratitis dendritica.- Beta interferon cream therapy in periocular herpetic infections.- Human leukocyte interferon plus trifluorothymidin versus recombinant alpha 2 arg interferon plus trifluorothymidin for therapy of dendritic keratitis. A controlled clinical study.- Acyclovir and recombinant human alpha 2 arg interferon treatment for dendritic keratitis.- SESSION X: Herpes Zoster, Cytomegalovirus Chairman: R.Sundmacher (Freiburg).- The acute retinal necrosis syndrome and retinal necrosis associated with encephalitis.- Clinical comparison between herpes simplex and herpes zoster ocular infections.- Corneal complications of herpes zoster ophthalmicus.- Oral bromovinyldeoxyuridine treatment of herpes zoster ophthalmicus.- Herpes zoster treatment.- SESSION XI: General Discussion Chairman: R.Sundmacher (Freiburg).- General discussion on the management of herpetic eye diseases.- Closing remarks.- List of participants.

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