The mouse that roared : Disney and the end of innocence


The mouse that roared : Disney and the end of innocence

Henry A. Giroux

(Culture and education series)

Rowman & Littlefield, 2001

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references and index



Today, cultural practices and institutions shape nearly every aspect of our lives. The author takes up this issue by looking at the world's most influential corporation. He explores the way in which the Disney Corporation has become a political force in shaping images of public memory, producing children as consuming subjects, and legitimating ideological positions that constitute a deeply conservative and disturbing view of the roles imparted to children and adults alike. The author shows how Disney attempts to hide behind a cloak of innocence and entertainment, while simultaneously exercising its influence as a major force on both global economics and cultural learning. Disney is among several corporations that not only preside over international media, but also outstrip the traditional practices of schooling in shaping the desires, needs and futures of today's children.

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