Handbook of surfaces and interfaces of materials


Handbook of surfaces and interfaces of materials

edited by Hari Singh Nalwa

Academic Press, c2001

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This handbook brings together, under a single cover, all aspects of the chemistry, physics, and engineering of surfaces and interfaces of materials currently studied in academic and industrial research. It covers different experimental and theoretical aspects of surfaces and interfaces, their physical properties, and spectroscopic techniques that have been applied to a wide class of inorganic, organic, polymer, and biological materials. The diversified technological areas of surface science reflect the explosion of scientific information on surfaces and interfaces of materials and their spectroscopic characterization. The large volume of experimental data on chemistry, physics, and engineering aspects of materials surfaces and interfaces remains scattered in so many different periodicals, therefore this handbook compilation is needed.The information presented in this multivolume reference draws on two decades of pioneering research on the surfaces and interfaces of materials to offer a complete perspective on the topic. These five volumes-Surface and Interface Phenomena; Surface Characterization and Properties; Nanostructures, Micelles, and Colloids; Thin Films and Layers; Biointerfaces and Applications-provide multidisciplinary review chapters and summarize the current status of the field covering important scientific and technological developments made over past decades in surfaces and interfaces of materials and spectroscopic techniques with contributions from internationally recognized experts from all over the world. Fully cross-referenced, this book has clear, precise, and wide appeal as an essential reference source long due for the scientific community.


  • *Corresponding authorVolume 1. Surface and Interface Phenomena1. Microstructure and properties of interfaces between dissimilar materials Professor Jeff .Th. M. DE Hosson* and Bart J. Kooi Department of Applied Physics Materials Science Centre Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands Phone: +31-503634898 Fax: +31-503634881 Email: J.T.M.de.Hosson@phys.rug.nl, hossonj@phys.rug.nl Pages=250 Figures=115 Tables=8 Ref.=328 Equations=50 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Letter RequiredNOTE: Fig. 20c for Book Cover and COVER BACKGROUND with Fig. 56 left side part 3"x1" unwritten area2. Surface and interface recombination in semiconductors Annamraju Kasi Viswanath Center for Materials for Electronics Technology Panchavati, Off Pashan Road, Pune 411008, India Tel.&Fax: +91-20-542-0180 (+91-20-5899-321 Home) Email
  • v_kasi@hotmail.com, kasi@cmetp.ernet.in Pages=180 Figures=114 Tables=0 Ref.=900 Equations=10 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Not Received, Redrawn Figures3. Interfaces in Organic Light Emitting Devices Eric W. Forsythe and Yongli Gao* Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627, USA Phone: (716) 275-8574 Fax: (716) 275-8527 Emial: ygao@pas.rochester.edu, eforsythe@arl.army.mil Pages=120 Figures=50 Tables=2 Ref.=227 Equations=12 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received-Attached with manuscript4. Surface Segregation in Binary Metal Alloys Professor Gregory N. Derry Physics Department Loyola College 4501 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21210, USA Phone: 410-617-2662 Fax: 410-617-2646 Email: Gderry@loyola.edu Pages=120 Figures=20 Tables=0 Ref.=318 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Not Required, Letter Needed5. Surfactant Adsorption Layers at Liquid/Fluid Interfaces Reinhard Miller* and Valentin B. Fainerman Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kolloid- und Grenzflaechenforschung Am Muhlenberg 2 D-14476 Golm, GERMANY Phone: +49-331-567-9252 Fax: +49-331-567-9202 E-mail: miller@mpikg-golm.mpg.de Pages=90 Figures=27 Tables=0 Ref.=184 Equations=160 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Not received6. Liquid Crystals at Interfaces Professor Dietmar Janietz Department of Chemistry and Institute of Thin Layer Technology Potsdam UniversityD-14513 Teltow, GERMANY Phone: +3328 46508 Fax: +3328 46510 E-mail: janietz@rz.uni-potsdam.de Pages=75 Figures=39 Tables=0 Ref.=250 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: One received-Attached with manuscript7. Spectroscopic Characterisation of oxide/oxide interfaces Agustin R. Gonzalez-Elipe* and Francisco Yubero Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla Avda. Americo Vespucio s/n 41092 Sevilla, SPAIN Phone: 34-95-448-9528 Fax: 34-95-446-0665 E-mail: agustin@cica.es, jpedro@cica.es, yubero@cica.es Pages=100 Figures=50 Tables=5 Ref.=312 Equations=10 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, attached with manuscript8. Plasma deposition of microcrystalline silicon: Role of plasma-surface interaction on the microstructure G. Cicala*, G. Bruno and P. Capezzuto Centro di Studio per la Chimica dei Plasmi Dipartimento de Chmica Universita di Bari Via Orabona, 4-70126 BARI, ITALY Tel. +39-80-544-2102 Fax: +39-80-544-2024 Email: cscpgc07@area.ba.cnr.it Pages=80 Figures=39 Tables=3 Ref.=170 Equations=50 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, Attached with chapter9. Isothermal Diffusion and Intra-diffusion in Surfactant Solutions Professor Vincenzo Vitagliano*, Gerardino D'Errico, Ornella Ortona and Luigi Paduano Dipartimento di Chimica University of Naples Federico II, Via Mezzocannone 4 80134 Napoli, ITALY Tel. +390-81-2536-621 Fax +390-81-552-7771 Email: vita@CHEMNA.DICHI.UNINA.IT, vita@chemistry.unina.it Pages=100 Figures=50 Tables=10 Ref.=273 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Attached with manuscript 10. Catalysis by Supported Metal OxidesBert M. Weckhuysen* Centrum voor Oppervlaktechemie en Katalyse Departement Interfasechemie K.U.Leuven, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 92, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium Email: bert.weckhuysen@agr.kuleuven.ac.be Tel. +32-16-32-1610 Fax: +32-16-32-1998Israel E. Wachs* Department of Chemical Engineering andZettlemoyer Center for Surface StudiesLehigh University, Bethlehem PA 18015, USA E-mail: iew0@lehigh.edu Pages=70 Figures=27 Tables=22 Ref.=270 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Required11. Study of Two-Dimensional Phase on Electrodes Rafael Rodriguez Amaro* and Juan J. Ruiz Sanchez Departamento de Quimica Fisica y Termodinamica Aplicada Universidad de Cordoba Avda. San Alberto Magno s/n E-14004 Cordoba, SPAIN Phone: +34-957218618 Fax: +34-957 218606 E-mail: qf1roamr@lucano.uco.es Pages=75 Figures=32 Tables=3 Ref.=353 Equations=160 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: None. Letter Attached with chapterChapters=11 Manuscript Pages=1250Volume 2. Surface Characterization and Properties 1. Surface Characterization: Composition, Structure and Topology S. Speller*, W. Heiland and M. Schleberger Universitaet Osnabrueck Barbarastrr. 7 D-49069 Osnabrueck, GERMANY Email: wheiland@uos.de, sspeller@uos.de Pages=120 Figures=64 Tables=7 Ref.=242 Equations=30 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received-Attached with manuscript2. Dynamic Surface tension and Surfactant Mass Transfer Kinetics: Measurement Techniques and Analysis Professor Shi-Yow Lin* Chemical Engineering Department National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 43, Keelung Road, Section 4 Taipei, 106, TAIWAN Tel: +886-2-2737-6648 Fax: +886-2-2737-6644 E-mail: ling@ch.ntust.edu.tw Professor Kathleen J. Stebe Department of Chemical Engineering Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218, USA Phone: 410-516-7769 Fax: Lin: 410-516-5510 E-mail: Stebe: kjs@jhu.edu Pages=120 Figures=60 Tables=15 Ref.=211 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Not received3. Application of photoelectron spectroscopy in organic and inorganic material systems Professor S. Seal* Advanced Materials Processing & Analysis Center (AMPAC) and Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering (MMAE) University Of Central Florida Orlando, Florida 32816, USA Phone: (407) 823 5277 Fax: (407) 823 0208 Email: sseal@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu Professor T. Barr Materials Department and Laboratory for Surface Studies University of Wisconsin 3200 N Cramer St, Mileaukee, WI 5321, USA Phone: (414) 229 4085 Fax: (414) 229 6958 Pages=100 Figures=31 Tables=13 Ref.=202 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, attached with manuscript4. Stabilized sp2/sp3 carbon and the metal-carbon composites of atomic scale as the interface and surface-controlling dielectric and conducting materials Dr. B. F. Dorfman Atomic-Scale Design Inc. P.O. Box 210483 San Francisco, CA 94121, USA Tel. & Fax: +415-831-92-33 Email: bdorfman@aol.com Pages=130 Figures=62 Tables=12 Ref.=155 Equations=60 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, attached with manuscript5. High-Pressure Surface ScienceVladislav Domnich and Professor Yury Gogotsi*Drexel University Department of Materials EngineeringLeBow Bldg., Room 4313141 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Tel. 1-215-895-6446 Fax: 1-215-895-6760E-mail: gogotsi@drexel.edu, gogotsi@coe.drexel.eduPages=100 Figures=68 Tables=2 Ref.=274 Equations=0COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Required6. Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Scanning Probe Microscopy of Phthalocyanines on Silicon Professor S .Santucci*, L.Lozzi and L.Ottaviano Dipartimento di Fisica Universita dell'Aquila Via Vetoio 10 - Coppito 67010 L'Aquila, ITALY Phone:39.0862.433097 Fax:39.0862.433033 E-mail: sandro.santucci@aquila.infn.it Pages=80 Figures=65 Tables=2 Ref.=92 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, Attached with chapter7. Photonic and electronic spectroscopies for the characterization of organic surfaces and organic molecules adsorbed on surfaces A. M. Botelho do Rego* and L. F. Vieira Ferreira Centro de Quimica-Fisica Molecular Complexo Interdisciplinar IST 1049-001 Lisboa, PURTGAL Tel.: 351 1 8419255/7 Fax: 351 1 8464455/7 E-mail: pcd800@alfa.ist.utl.pt, pcd748@alfa.ist.utl.pt, LuisFilipe.V.F@ist.utl.pt Pages=100 Figures=53 Tables=8 Ref.=154 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Attached8. Hydrogen Chemistry on Diamond Surfaces: Adsorption, Desorption and Vibrational Spectsrocopy C. Su, H.- C Chang, J.-K. Wang and J.-C. Lin* Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences Academia Sinica, P.O. Box 23-166 1 Roosevelt Road, Section 4, Taipei, 106, TAIWAN Telephone: 886-2-2366-8252 Fax: 886-2-2362-0200 E-mail: jclin@po.iams.sinica.edu.tw Pages=110 Figures=59 Tables=1 Ref.=176 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received-Attached with manuscript9. Textural and Surface Chemistry Characterisation of Zeolites via Adsorption phenomena Joao Pires da SilvaFaculdade de Ciencias de Lisboa Dept. de Quimica e Bioquimica Edificio C8, 6 piso, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal Phone: (351)217500898 FAX: (351) 217500088 E-mail: jpiresil@correio.cc.fc.ul.pt, jpiresil@fc.ul.pt Pages=75 Figures=21 Tables=4 Ref.=200 Equations=16 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: One received-Attached with manuscript10. Dielectric Methods of Research of Zeolites and Related Materials Dr. Rolando Roque-Malherbe School of Science Turabo University, PO Box 3030, Gurabo, PR 00778-3030. Fax: 1-787-744 5427 Email: ut_rroque@suagm1.suagm.edu, roroque@coqui.net Pages=70 Figures=20 Tables=18 Ref.=135 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Already sent to AP11. Secondary Electron Fine Structure - A method of the local atomic structure characterization Yu.V. Ruts*, D. E. Guy, D. V. Surnin and V.I. Grebennikov Local atomic structure laboratory Physico-Technical Institute of RAS, Ural Brunch Kirov street 132, Izhevsk 426001, RUSSIA Phone: +07-3412-250155 Fax: +07-3412-250614 E-mail: atomic@lasas.fti.udmurtia.su Pages=80 Figures=26 Tables=5 Ref.=89 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Letter attached Chapters=11 Manuscript Pages=1080Volume 3. Nanostructures, Micelles and Colloids1. Nanostructured Metal Clusters and Colloids U. Kreibig, Prof. H. Boennemann*, J. Hormes Max-Planck-Institut fuer KohlenforschungHeterogene KatalyseKaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1, D-45466 Muelheim a. d. Ruhr, GermanyTel.: +49 208/306-2374 Fax: +49 208/306-2983Email: boennemann@mpi-muelheim.mpg.dePages=160 Figures=82 Tables=0 Ref.=328 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Required2. Nanoparticle thin films: An approach based on self-assembly Murali Sastry Materials Chemistry Division National Chemical Laboratory Pune -411008, INDIA Phone : +91-20-589-3044 Fax : 91-20-589-3044/589-3952 E-mail : sastry@ems.ncl.res.in Pages=100 Figures=44 Tables=2 Ref.=265 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, attached with chapter3. Assembly of Colloidal Particles into Nanostructured Materials and Microscopic Devices Orlin D. Velev Department of Chemical Engineering University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716, USA Phone: (302) 831 8919 or - 6314 Fax: (302) 831 1048 or - 6378 E-mail: velev@che.udel.edu Pages=90 Figures=30 Tables=0 Ref.=369 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: All received-Attached with manuscript4. Thin film nanofabrication by alternate adsorption of polyions, proteins and nanoparticles Dr. Yuri Lvov Institute for Micromanufacturing Louisiana Tech University P.O. Box 10137, 911 Hergot Street Ruston, LA 71272, USA Tel. (318) 257-5144 Fax (318)257-5104 Email: YLvov@coes.latech.edu Pages=70 Figures=21 Tables=1 Ref.=117 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, all attached with manuscript 5. Core-Shell Nanoparticles and AssembliesL. M. Liz-Marzan*, M.A. Correa-Duarte, I. Pastoriza-Santos, (Spain) P. Mulvaney, T. Ung, (Australia) M. Giersig (Germany), N.A. Kotov (USA) Depto. de Quimica Fisica e Quimica Organica Universidade de Vigo Apdo. 874, 36200 Vigo, SPAIN Tel: +34-98-681-2298 Fax: +34-98-681-2382 Email: lmarzan@uvigo.es Pages=80 Figures=41 Tables=0 Ref.=441 Equations=60 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, Attached with Manuscript 6. Nanocrystalline and amorphous thin film systems including low-dimensional chalcogenide materials Diana Nesheva Institute of Solid State Physics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Boul. Tzarigradsko chaussee 72, 1784 Sofia, BULGARIA Phone: (+359)(2) 44 48 15, (+359)(2) 7144 226 Fax: (+359)(2) 9 753 632 E-mail: nesheva@issp.bas.bg Pages=80 Figures=38 Tables=6 Ref.=162 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, Attached with Manuscript7. Semiconductor Nanocrystals from Langmuir-Blodgett Films: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications Paolo Facci Department of Environmental Sciences, University della Tuscia, 01100 Viterbo, Italy Tel +39-761-357-027 Fax +39-761-357-179 E-mail facci@unitus.it Pages=80 Figures=41 Tables=8 Ref.=92 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Already sent to AP8. Crystalline nonoparticles in glasses for optical applications Jochen Fick Laboratoire d'Electromagnetiisme MicroOndes et Optoelectronique (LEMO) CNRS UMR 5530, ENSERG-23, rue des Martyrs, BP 257 38016 Grenoble, FRANCE Phone: +33-4768-56019 Fax:+33-4768-56080 E-mail: fick@enserg.fr Pages=100 Figures=25 Tables=3 Ref.=257 Equations=16 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, all Attached with chapter9. Magnetron Enhanced Reactive Ion Etching (MERIE) mode plasma induced defects in SiO2-Si microstructures E. Atanassova Institute Solid State Physics Bulgaria Academy of Science 72 Tzarigardsko Chaussee Bldg., 1784 Sofia, BULGARIA Tel: (359) (2) 71 44 448 Fax: (359) (2) 975 36 32 E-mail: elenada@phys.bas.bg, elenada@issp.bas.bg Pages=50 Figures=17 Tables=1 Ref.=54 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: None, Letter attached with chapter10. Experimental methods and their application in the study of the micellar behaviour of amphiphilic molecules in aqueous solutions Professor Victor Mosquera* and Felix Sarmiento Departamento de Fisica de la Materia Condensada Facultad de Fisica, Campus Universitario Sur E-15706 Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN Phone: +34-981-56-3100 Fax: +34-981-52-0676 E-mail: fmvictor@usc.es Pages=75 Figures=19 Tables=0 Ref.=117 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Required11. Study of Dehydrochlorination reactions in micellar systemsMaria Luisa Moya*, Maria Munoz, Amalia Rodriguez, Maria del Mar Graciani and Gasper FernandezDepartamento de Quimica Fisica Universidad de Sevilla C/ Profesor Garcia Gonzalez s/n, 41012 Sevilla, SPAIN Phone: +34 (9) 54557177 Fax: +34 (9) 54557174 E-mail: 75 Figures=27 Tables=41 Ref.=120 Equations=84 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Required12. Encapsulation of Fluorophores in Multiple Microenvironments in Surfactant-Based Supramolecular Assemblies Kerry K. Karukstis Department of Chemistry Harvey Mudd College, 301 E. Twelfth Street, Claremont, CA 91711, USA Phone: 909-607-3225 Fax: 909-607-7577 E-mail: Kerry_Karukstis@hmc.edu Pages=70 Figures=17 Tables=17 Ref.=139 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Not Received, not Required?Chapters=12 Manuscript Pages=1030Volume 4. Thin Films and Layers 1. Langmuir-Blodgett and self-assembled polymeric films Dr. Osvaldo N. Oliveira* Jr., Maria Raposo (Purtgal) and Anantharaman Dhanabalan (The Netherlands) Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos USP CP 369 13560-970 Sao Carlos, SP, BRAZIL Phone: +55 16-271-5365 Fax: +55 16-271-3616 E-mail: chu@ifsc.sc.usp.br Pages=140 Figures=80 Tables=2 Ref.=441 Equations=16 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Not ReceivedNOTE: Fig 49(a) for book cover and COVER BACKGROUND with Fig. 56 (Vol. 1, Chapter 1) left side part 3"x1" unwritten area2. Magnetotransport properties of ultrathin metallic multilayers: microstructural modifications leading to sensor applications Dr. Christos Christides Institute of Materials Science NCSR "DEMOKRITOS", 153 10 Aghia Paraskevi Attikis, GREECE Phone: +301-6503545 Fax: +301-6519430 E-mail: christides@ims.demokritos.gr Pages=140 Figures=60 Tables=1 Ref.=313 Equations=16 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received-Attached with manuscript3. Long range Hydrophobic forces due to Capillary Bridging Vassili V. Yaminsky*, Satomi Ohnishi and Barry Ninham Department of Applied Mathematics Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, A. C. T. 0200 Australia Phones: (612) 62494693 - office (612)62626017 - home Fax: (612)62490732 Email: vvy110@rsphysse.anu.edu.au Pages=180 Figures=6 Tables=0 Ref.=81 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Letter Attached4. Morphological and structural aspects of thin films prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Dr. A.Figueras*, J. Fraxedas and J. Santiso Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona Campus de la U.A.B. 08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN Tel: +(34) 93.580.18.53 Fax: +(34) 93.580.57.29 E-mail: albert.figueras@icmab.es Pages=100 Figures=40 Tables=0 Ref.=184 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Required5. In situ observation during molecular beam epitaxy: impurity incorporation and dissimilar materials epitaxial growth on GaAs(001) Lutz Daeweritz Paul-Drude-Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, D-10117 Berlin, GERMANY Phone: +49-30-20377 359 or 352 Fax: +49-30-20377 201 E-mail: daweritz@pdi-berlin.de Pages=80 Figures=40 Tables=0 Ref.=171 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, all attached with manuscript6. Ellipsometric characterization of thin films Dr. Miklos Fried and Dr. Tivadar Lohner* Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science 1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege ut 29-33, HUNGARY Phone: (36-1) 395 9220 Fax: (36-1) 395 9284 E-mail: fried@mfa.kfki.hu, lohner@mfa.kfki.hu Pages=80 Figures=27 Tables=11 Ref.=? Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS:7. Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolytes and Polyelectrolyte Block Copolymers Lev E. Bromberg Department of Physics and Center for Materials Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139, USA 15 Sherwood Road, Swampscott, MA 01907, USA Phone: (617) 926-1980 ext.248 Fax: (617) 926-4776 E-mail: cpbrolev@aol.com, cpbrolev@rocketmail.com Pages=75 Figures=38 Tables=40 Ref.=529 Equations=5 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: All received-Attached with manuscript8. Thin Ta2O5 layers on Si as an alternative to SiO2 for high density DRAM applications E.Atanassova* and T.Dimitrova Institute of Solid State Physics Bulgaria Academy of Science 72 Tzarigardsko Chaussee Bldg. 1784 Sofia, BULGARIA Tel: (359) (2) 71 44 448 Fax: (359) (2) 975 36 32 E-mail: elenada@phys.bas.bg, elenada@issp.bas.bg Pages=100 Figures=46 Tables=9 Ref.=94 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: None, Letter Attached with chapter9. Mechanism of high-temperature oxidation and sulfur-oxide corrosion of vacuum plasma coatings of Me-Cr-Al-Y type on heat resisting nickel based alloys Dr. V. A. Chekan* and L. V. Markova Powder Metallurgy Institute 41, Platonov Str., Minsk, 220600, BELARUS Phone
  • +375 (017) 232-85-81 Fax: +375 (017) 210-05-74 E-mail: chekan@srpmi.minsk.by Pages=80 Figures=53 Tables=0 Ref.=35 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Not Received10. Ultrathin protective organic layers on a iron surfaces V. I. Povstugar* and S. S. Mikhailova Ultrafine Systems Laboratory Physical-Technical Institute, RAS, Ural Branch 132 Kirov Street, 426001, Izhevsk, RUSSIA Phone. 7-3412-21-6966 Fax. 7-3412-25-0614 E-mail: povst@uds.fti.udmurtia.su Pages=70 Figures=33 Tables=13 Ref.=197 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Letter attachedChapters=10 Manuscript Pages=1045Volume 5. Biointerfaces and Applications1. Interfacial and Materials aspects of the immobilization of biomolecules onto solid surfaces Willem M. Albers*, Inger Vikholm, Tapani Viitala and Jouko Peltonen VTT Chemical Technology, Materials Technology, Sensor Materials P.O. Box 14021, 33101 Tampere, FINLAND Phone:+358-3-316-3318 Fax:+358-3-316-3319 E-mail: martin.albers@vtt.fi Pages=100 Figures=13 Tables=6 Ref.=404 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Letter Attached2. Thin Films on Electrodes for Direct Protein Electron Transfer James F. Rusling* and Zhe Zhang Department of Chemistry, Box U-60 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269-3060, USA Phone: 860-486-4909 Fax: 860-486-2981 Email: Jrusling@nucleus.chem.uconn.edu Pages=100 Figures=62 Tables=4 Ref.=179 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, Attached with Manuscript3. Interaction of Surfactants with Biomolecules and Mimicks Shyamalava Mazumdar Department of Chemical Sciences Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Homi Bhabha Road, Navy Nagar Colaba Mumbai 400 005, INDIA Tel: +91-22-215 2971 Fax: +91-22-215 2110 Email: Shyamal@tifr.res.in Pages=80 Figures=35 Tables=5 Ref.=220 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS:4. Interactions between bilayer vesicles, biomolecules and interfaces Ana Maria Carmona-Ribeiro Departamento de Bioquimica, Instituto de Quimica Universidade de Sao Paulo Caixa Postal 26077, CEP 05599-970 Sao Paulo SP, BRAZIL Phone: +55 11 8182164 Fax: +55 11 815 5579 E-mail: mcribeir@quim.iq.usp.br, mcribeir@iq.usp.br Pages=75 Figures=10 Tables=3 Ref.=572 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, Attached with chapterNOTE: Fig 10b (bilayer) for book cover and COVER BACKGROUND with Fig. 56 (Vol. 1, Chapter 1) left side part 3"x1" unwritten area5. Molecular Organization of Peptides and Their Function Dr. Shunsaku Kimura Department of Materials Chemistry Kyoto University Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN Phone: 075-753-5628 Fax: 075-753-4911 E-mail: shun@scl.kyoto-u.ac.jp Pages=70 Figures=28 Tables=0 Ref.=224 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Letter required 6. Thermodynamics of surfactant micelles and vesicles Magnus Bergstrom Department of Chemistry & Surface Chemistry Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN Tel: +46-8-790-9905 Fax: +6-8-20-8998 E-mail: magnus.bergstrom@surfchem.kth.se Pages=75 Figures=21 Tables=40 Ref.=67 Equations=60 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Not received7. The use of porous materials for cryopumping Dr. Christian Day Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Dept. HIT-PA, PO Box 3640 D-76021 Karlsruhe, GERMANY Phone: +49.7247.82.2609 Fax: +49.7247.82.3837 E-mail: christian.day@hit.fzk.de Pages=120 Figures=54 Tables=8 Ref.=270 Equations=24 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Received, attached with manuscript8. Stimulation of Microporous Systems: Confined fluids in equilibrium and diffusion in zeolites Reinhold Haberlandt*, Siegfried Fritzsche and Horst-Ludger Voertler Institute for Theoretical Physics, Dept Molecular Dynamics/Computer Stimulation University Leipzig Augustusplatz 10-11, D-04109 Leipzig, GERMANY Tel. +49-341-235-2280 Fax: +49-341-235-2307 Email: reinhold.haberlandt@physik.uni-leipzig.dePages=200 Figures=65 Tables=0 Ref.=462 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Required9. Conducting polymer based Schottky barrier and heterojunction diodes and their sensor applications Dr. Karin Potie-Kamloth Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen FB ET, Institut fuer Physik D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany Phone: +49-89-6004-4041 Fax: +49-89-6004-3477 E-mail: e91bkpk@unibw-muenchen.de Pages=110 Figures=49 Tables=10 Ref.=282 Equations=0 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Not required, letter needed10. Applications of Natural Zeolites in Pollution Abatement and Industry Rolando Roque-Malherbe School of Science Turabo University, PO Box 3030, Gurabo, PR 00778-3030. Fax: 1-787-744 5427 Email: ut_rroque@suagm.edu, roroque@coqui.net, rroquemalh@aol.com Pages=75 Figures=18 Tables=10 Ref.=304 Equations=16 COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: Not received1000Chapters=10 Manuscript Pages=

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